Blessings mystics and seekers!
This week may be a bit bumpy when it comes to communication in our relationships over the coming as on Tuesday we have our planet of communication Mercury, making a challenging aspect to Mars. This tension in the air could lead us to having disagreements and arguments over things that we may have been avoiding or stuffing down. This is the week where it could all come pouring out.
On Thursday, our Sun in Aries makes a powerful combustion to Venus in Aries, which empowers us to stand up for ourselves and confront issues we may have with ourselves or others. We benefit from finding a personal sense of empowerment by finding ways to have our own backs in abusive or manipulative dynamics. If you are someone who is abusive yourself, you may find the people in your life who are no longer willing to tolerate you, standing up for themselves and cutting off communication by Sunday. Sunday we have our full Moon at 8 degrees of Libra. This energy asks us to reflect on relationship dynamics that are not harmonious for us moving forward. We also may need to reflect on areas of our life that feel co-depenant or imbalanced. This is a good time to find ways to empower yourself to take responsibility for what you bring to your own life, as well as in relationships. Are you asking too much of people, or not enough? Are you too passive, or too confrontational? Are you too practical, or too emotional? We do well to ask these questions and find ways that we can find balance and harmony with how we relate to others and our world around us. It's best to water and tend to our own gardens, rather than meddling in someone else's.

Tarot cards of the week:
Justice, Strength, The Emperor, The Lovers reversed, 2 of Cups, 3 of Cups, Ace of Swords, 2 of Swords, 3 of Swords, King of Swords, Queen of Swords, 4 of Wands, 5 of Wands, Knight of Wands, Queen of Wands, King of Wands.
All times are Pacific time
Monday 3/22
Moon in Cancer
Moon inconjunct Saturn in Aquarius 2:02 am
Moon trine Neptune in Pisces 10:14 pm
Moon inconjunct Jupiter in Aquarius 10:56 pm
With the Moon in Cancer we start the week potentially needing to take things slow. This is a great day for self care, slowing down, and not spending too much time socializing with others. We may feel incredibly sensitive. Find healthy ways to stay grounded and limit your social media intake.
Tuesday 3/23
Moon in Cancer
Moon void of course opposition Pluto in Capricorn 8:26 am
Moon enters Leo 2:56 pm
Mercury in Pisces square Mars in Gemini 8:26 pm
Moon trine Venus in Aries 8:50 pm
Moon trine Sun in Aries 9:54 pm
Mercury makes a hard aspect to Mars today which enhances our potential for communication problems. It could feel like Mercury is retrograde for the remainder of the week. We may find ourselves having a blow up on someone else, or being on the receiving end of one if we are not careful. We need to be mindful with how we confront problems with others, or share our emotions. This is not a good week to emotionally dump onto someone else how you are feeling, as they likely will also be feeling a lot. If we have any current problems in a relationship, this could be the day or the week where everything comes pouring out.
Wednesday 3/24
Moon in Leo
Moon square Uranus in Taurus 6:45 am
Moon opposition Saturn in Aquarius 10:38 am
Moon sextile Mars in Gemini 1:08 pm
Moon inconjunct Mercury in Pisces 2:28 pm
We may feel some tension today with our Moon in Leo making hard aspects to Uranus, Saturn, and Mercury. Our need for external validation could be heightened, and we could feen sensitive to any judgements from others. Turn of the phone and focus on generating love from within. Try not to get too focused on what others are doing.
Thursday 3/25
Moon in Leo
Moon void of course square Uranus in Taurus 6:27 am
Moon inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn 2:28 pm
Moon enters Virgo 8:25 pm
Sun conjunct Venus in Aries 11:58 pm
Our Sun and Venus team up in the cardinal fire sing of Aries today, empowering us towards self love and gratification. We benefit from finding ways to fill our own cups in the days ahead, rather than seeking external validation from others. This is a great time to set intentions towards the self you wish to birth into the world during the refreshing energy of Spring. Be mindful not to be too overbearing with this energy when it comes to projecting it onto others as it is likely to come off egotistical if you are not careful with how you're expressing it.
Friday 3/26
Moon in Virgo
Moon inconjunct Sun in Aries 6:52 am
Moon inconjunct Venus in Aries 7 am
Moon trine Uranus in Taurus 11:17 am
Moon inconjunct Saturn in Capricorn 3 pm
Moon square Mars in Gemini 7:16 pm
Moon in Virgo is a great time to work on goals and projects that require practical thinking and organization. We may have a hard time staying on task today, as our minds could be running rampant with all of the things we would rather be doing. Try to work some fun into the mundane to relieve any pressure or tension you may be feeling.
Saturday 3/27
Moon in Virgo
Moon opposition Mercury in Pisces 12:37 am
Moon opposition Neptune in Pisces 8:05 am
Moon inconjunct Jupiter in Aquarius 9:55 am
Moon void of course trine Pluto in Capricorn 4:48 pm
Moon enters Libra 10:22 pm
The energy of today requires integration of what needs to be done in a practical sense, but what also needs to be fed and prioritized in an emotional way as well. Try to find ways to give yourself self care and healing breaks in-between your practical and mundane tasks. With the Moon making its way towards its Full phase, we could find ourselves feeling pressure to create. Be creative!
Sunday 3/28
Moon in Libra
Full Moon 8 degrees of Libra 11:48 am
Moon inconjunct Uranus in Taurus 12:40 pm
Moon Opposition Venus in Aries 12:55 pm
Moon trine Saturn in Aquarius 4:21 pm
Moon trine Mars in Gemini 10:12 pm
Our Full Moon hits in the morning at 8 degrees of Libra. Libra is the cardinal air sign of the zodiac ruling the 7th house of partnership. In Libra we learn the value of harmony, keeping the peace, and how to have a fair dynamic with another person. However, Libra is also the sign that rules justice and balance. In Libra, we learn how to have healthy conflict so that a fair and just resolution can be agreed upon. For this full Moon in Libra, we may be asked to reflect on what needs balancing and confrontation in our own lives? Especially when it comes to relationships with lovers and close friends. Full Moon's are a time of release. We may also be reflecting on what relationship dynamics are no longer working for us, and what, or who, needs to be let out of our lives.
Love and Peace,
Analisa Six

Analisa Six is a tarot reader, astrologer, dog walker and co-founder of The Mystic Parlor. She lives in Yucca Valley, CA with her two dogs Bam Bam and Bruce Wayne, and her husband Terry Six. In her off time she loves hiking, hanging out with dogs, yoga, being vegan, studying the occult, and talking about conspiracy theories with Evelyn Zuel.