Blessings Lovelies!
We are now in the waning cycle of the Moon, where we are prompted to turn inward and focus more on releasing, rather than creating. This is overly emphasized as we move towards a Last Quarter Moon in Cancer hitting on Friday. With this internally focused energy, and our Moon in Gemini before the Last Quarter Moon in Cancer, we could feel a lot of anxiety manifesting within us. We may be prone to overthinking or obsessing about something in the days ahead. Personally, these Mars transits over the last couple weeks have added a heightened sense of anxiety in my own life, but one of the deep poignant insights I had years ago was the phrase, “ anxiety is energy that has nowhere to go.” Like a lot of my insights, this was given to me by my guides during a meditation where I was trying to calm my nerves. I was then led to understand that we can channel this anxiety into projects or productivity. Going for a walk in nature is a great way to ground the mind when having anxiety and something that has been straight up medicine for me when I have been needing to sort things out in my mind.
One of the things that grinds my gears the most about the western yoga movement is the lack of yoga philosophy made known to people when doing yoga as a physical practice. One of the things I have learned when studying various yoga philosophies is that you are to do physical yoga to prepare the mind for meditation. Essentially you are not to meditate until you have done a specific breath work and/or physical practice to prepare your mind to receive guidance from the cosmos. In western culture today, we often fragment everything, which I believe is why we often feel fragmented as people. We learn systems separately and have a very secular and separate perception of ourselves and reality. But this is not the way we are supposed to be operating as complex beings when it comes to many metaphysical perceptions of spirituality and or existance and spiritual beings living in a material reality. From what I understand, in many Yoga practices you are to have not just the physical practice of the movements, but also the breathing exercises, the kriyas, the mantras, the mudras, and the meditations. It is such a complex system that we can barely grasp in western culture the complexities of how it is to be used in everyday life. One of the things I learned when studying Kundalini Yoga a couple years ago was that we should not meditate until we have done these specific exercises and breaths with our body, to help ground our physical vessel for receiving divine insights and energy. I am sure many of you have sat and tried to meditate and had your mind just not in a state where it couldn't stop thinking about something. This is because the mind has not been properly prepared to receive.
I should note it wasn’t my intention to go on a tangent about yoga and meditation, but with so much anxious energy within the collective frequency, I feel it is worth noting that it is good to reframe anxiety as an excess of energy that needs to be expressed and released. This energy needs to go somewhere, otherwise it manifests as an excess within our bodies and minds often resulting in anxiety. There are so many health benefits to being in nature, exercising, and focusing on the material realm in a healthy way. This is imperative to our mental and emotional well being. One of the easiest ways to release excess energy is through physical activity. Going for a walk, working out, tantric exercises, Pranayama and Kundalini yoga are all great ways to channel anxiety through and out of the body.
This week we benefit from find healthy ways to release anxiety or emotional energy. Find something that grounds you and brings you a sense of stability when it comes to your routine! Venus in Virgo is helping us to work on this aspect of our lives right now. Lean into organization and constructing healthy routines for yourself around your physical world. Your future self will be so grateful you did!
Tarot cards of the week:
The Empress, The Hermit, Death, The Tower, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, 4 of Pentacles, 5 of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, 7 of Pentacles, 8 of Pentacles, 9 of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles, 7 of Swords, 8 of Swords, 9 of Swords, Page of Swords, Ace of Cups, 2 of Cups, 3 of Cups, 5 of Wands, Queen of Wands.
All times are Pacific time
Monday 10/5
Moon in Taurus
Moon trine Pluto in Capricorn 5:50 am
Moon void of course trine Saturn in Capricorn 11:41 am
Moon enters Gemini 9:03 pm
No major transits, but our Moon is void of course in Taurus most of the day, which gives us a frequency that requires slow movement, and no firm expectations when it comes to our immediate plans. This is a good day for working on tasks that you have before you, but not for making concrete or serious decisions. We do well nourishing our bodies with healthy food, and being productive in ways that give us a sense of accomplishment. We can think of the 4 of pentacles energy in the Tarot as ruling the frequency of the day.
With the Moon entering Gemini in the evening hours, we could perhaps have some late night anxiety. It wouldn't be a bad idea to go for a walk, do some sort of physical exercise, or write about how you are feeling. Pranayama yoga in the evening is also advised if you need help getting your mind grounded before bed.
Tuesday 10/6
Moon in Gemini
Moon square Venus in Virgo 5:41 am
Moon sextile Chiron rx in Aries 10:51 am
Moon inconjunct Mercury in Scorpio 3:11 pm
Some tense aspects today give us a frequency that could cause us to feel a sense of urgency towards our to-do lists. We benefit from putting order to things in our lives when it comes to anything that has been causing us stress. We could feel irritable in the afternoon, so it may be wise to block out some space or alone time from others. On the flip side, something that has been bothering us for a while may need to get talked out.
Wednesday 10/7
Moon in Gemini
Moon trine Sun in Libra 2:18 am
Moon inconjunct Jupiter in Capricorn 9:53 am
Moon square Neptune rx in Pisces 10:51 am
Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus rx in Taurus 1:55 pm
Moon inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn 6:01 pm
Moon void of course sextle Mars rx in Aries 6:57 pm
Moon inconjunct Saturn in Capricorn `11:46 pm
Mercury in Scorpio makes an opposition to Uranus in Taurus today giving us the potential for unexpected gossip, news or information to be leaked to the masses. Mercury is also said to be in its shadow or storm period starting today, when it begins to slow down before stationing retrograde on the 13th of this month. On a collective scale, we may experience some surprises in the media, that could be shocking to some. On a personal level, we could experience some unexpected tension within our communication dynamics and we do best to be mindful with how we are perceiving what is being told to us. We could feel a heightened sense of irritability and frustration, and we could also be more accident prone. This is not a good day to make big financial decisions or to take any financial risks. Money has been on the chopping block a lot in 2020, and today some things could come to light on a larger scale that have us all feeling uneasy about the future of our economy. We need to be thinking about ways we can set ourselves up for the future that help us secure a strong foundation for the remainder of the year.
Thursday 10/8
Moon void of course in Gemini
Venus in Virgo inconjunct Chiron rx in Aries 8:18 am
Moon enters Cancer 8:45 am
Moon square Chiron rx in Aries 9:49 pm
Moon sextile Venus in Virgo 11:16 pm
With our Moon in Cancer and Venus in Virgo making a hard aspect to Chiron, we may feel a need to slow down and focus on some self care. We benefit from doing things that are healthy for the mind, body and soul. Prioritize cleaning spaces in your home in a ritualistic way so that you can spend the evening hours resting and taking care of your body in a nurturing way. We could feel insecure about financial resources being accessible to us during these times. Try not to get too caught up in what you feel you are lacking, and find ways to have gratitude for the little things.
Friday 10/9
Moon in Cancer
Moon sextile Uranus rx in Taurus 3:14 am
Moon trine Mercury in Scorpio 5:03 am
Mars rx in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn 6:09 am
Last Quarter Moon in Cancer 5:40 pm
Moon opposition Jupiter in Capricorn 8:17 pm
Moon trine Neptune rx in Pisces 8:44 pm
Our Last Quarter Moon in Cancer asks us to turn inward and check in with ourselves on a deep level. The Sacral Chakra is ruled by the Lunar energies and is where we hold trauma, but also where our intuitive and emotional receptors lie. We benefit from doing energy work focused on the Sacral Chakra. Checking in and seeing if there are any residual traumas from our past, our relationship to family, that need healing during this time. We aso benefit from doing any ritual focused around releasing fear, trauma, or insecurities about our future. With Mars making a square to Pluto today, we could feel frustrated and irritable with any dynamics that cause us to feel like we are not in control of our lives. However, with this square, we could also feel a lot of motivation to make changes in our lives towards things we feel passionately about. With Mars rx this may not be the time that we see everything we want coming to fruition, but we can use this energy to channel into making steps towards the goals we have in a productive way. Use any excess energy towards getting things done where you can. Be mindful with how you assert yourself today as power dynamics are also a theme for the days ahead.
Saturday 10/10
Moon in Cancer
Moon square Mars rx in Aries 3:05 am
Moon void of course opposition Saturn in Capricorn 9:04 am
Venus in Virgo trine Uranus rx in Taurus 4:08 pm
Moon enters Leo 5:24 pm
This is a good day for financial planning with Venus in Virgo making a trine to Uranus in Taurus, however this is not a good day for making any large decisions when it comes to those financial plans. Use today to strategize the bigger picture, rather than making large moves. You may find your plans for the day alter or change in an unexpected way, but if you’re able to go with the flow, this could be beneficial and lead you somewhere better than you had anticipated.
Sunday 10/11
Moon in Leo
Moon trine Chiron rx in Aries 5:23 am
Sun in Libra square Jupiter in Capricorn 6:34 am
Sun in Libra inconjunct Neptune rx in Pisces 8:31 am
Moon square Uranus rx in Taurus 10:27 am
Moon square Mercury in Scorpio 1:50 pm
Some tense aspects today between our Sun to Jupiter and Chiron. We could feel a need for expansion and growth, and potentially a lot of pressure to make that happen. We could feel confused at some points on which direction to take action with our Sun in Libra making an inconjunct to Neptune. We may have to think outside of the box when it comes to our options.
Transits sourced from Llewelyn 2020 planner and American Ephemeris.
Love, Peace, and Power,
Analisa Six

Analisa Six is a Tarot Reader, Astrologer and Co-owner of The Mystic Parlor.
She lives in Yucca Valley, CA with her two dogs Bam Bam and Bruce Wayne, and her husband Terry Six. In her off time she loves hiking, hanging out with dogs, yoga, being vegan, studying the occult, and talking about conspiracy theories with her business partner Evelyn Zuel.
You can book a reading with her here.