Blessings mystics and seekers!
Aquarius season is upon us! Happy birthday Aquarius babes!
Aquarius is the fixed air sign of the zodiac ruling the 11th house. The 11th house represents community, friendship circles, political organizations we associate ourselves with, and the way we function in our social circles. Aquarius is the sign of the activist, friend, community leader, team player, and advocate for a better world.
Aquarius dominant people tend to be those who care a lot about others and their community. They see where things can be better, but often in ways that are unique and not in line with the status quo. Aquarius people often feel “different” as they are willing to see the way things “could” be, rather than accepting the way things are. Because of their uncanny ability to envision a better future, they often find themselves butting heads with people who are unable to see outside of traditional values or belief systems. Aquarius people tend to be risk takers when it comes to things they feel passionate about.
In the Tarot, The Star is the card ruled by the sign Aquarius and represents the calm that comes after the storm in the Tower card.
10 ways to show your favorite Aquarius you love them:
Donate to a cause they care about in their name. (A great birthday present.)
Buy them the latest biography on someone they look up to.
Invite them to the next rally or protest that is around a cause they care about, or go with them if they invite you!
Schedule a group outing or zoom hang out depending on your current lock down circumstances- Aquarius dominant people love spending time with friends doing activities they are passionate about.
Organize a community trash pick up day, or some kind of volunteer day at a community shelter.
Buy them a gift certificate to something adventurous or outdoors that they can do in their free time.
Aquarius people tend to be unique and have specific interests, showing them that you pay attention to those interests that are unique to them by giving them something in relation to what they enjoy pursuing is a sure way to your favorite Aquarians heart.
Virtual dance party or work out session! Obviously not every Aquarius may want to engage in this, but I know a good handful who love a good virtual dance/work out group party!
Gift basket of their favorite snacks. Not something you read or hear often in a lot of astrology about Aquarius dominant people, but literally every Aquarius dominant person I know and have known LOVES their snacks and snack breaks, especially if the snacks get enjoyed outside in a scenic environment with those they love.
Virtual reality gaming. Most Aquarius dominant people I know love their games, especially video games. Gift your Aquarius friend with some VR fun if they're the type to get down with newer technology.
This week we have some powerful transits once again to say the least. Predominantly on January 20th, where we have our Mars/Uranus conjunction in Taurus.
Overall tension is high and we are likely to feel a lot of impulsive and irrational energy. Doom scrolling and getting in debates with people on the internet is highly probable. Be extremely mindful with what you give your energy to this week as you could get easily sucked into frustrating dynamics with strangers regarding political and social beliefs. Maybe this is something that you are into, but if not, it could be a good time to regulate the amount of time you spend on your screens.

Tarot cards of the week:
The Tower, The Star, The World, Wheel of Fortune, 4 of Swords, 5 of Swords, 6 of Swords, 7 of Swords, 9 of Swords, 10 of Swords, Page of Swords, King of Swords, 4 of Pentacles, 5 of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles, 7 of Cups, 8 of Cups, 9 of Cups.
All times are Pacific time
Monday 1/18
Moon enters Aries 2:07 am
Moon sextile Saturn in Aquarius 6:20 am
Moon sextile Jupiter in Aquarius 12:45 pm
We start our week off with the Moon in the active cardinal fire sign of Aries. When the Moon is in Aries we can be short tempered and easily triggered, but it is also an extremely positive energy for getting shit done. This is a powerful time for taking action in our day to day lives and we benefit from working out, moving forward on existing goals or projects, and taking care of business. We have harmonious energy between the Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn today as well. This enables us to see passed limiting beliefs, while acknowledging what work needs to get done in the here and now, as well as feeling motivated to do things that impact our role in our community in a positive way. There is a level of optimism in the air.
Tuesday 1/19
Moon in Aries
Moon square Venus in Capricorn 1:43 am
Moon sextile Mercury in Aquarius 9:54 am
Sun enters Aquarius 12:40 pm
Welcome to Aquarius season! I wrote mostly about the fixed air sign of Aquarius at the beginning of this blog entry, so scroll up to read that if you have not already!
Today is a positive day for us to focus on where we feel passionate and driven in our lives. Especially with how we contribute to society.
Wednesday 1/20
Moon in Aries
Moon void of course square Pluto in Capricorn 12:29 am
Moon enters Taurus 10:56 am
Mars in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus 12:38 pm
First Quarter Moon in Taurus 1:02 pm
Moon square Saturn in Aquarius 7 pm
Today is a powerful day on many levels. It is the day that Mars, our planet of initiation, willpower, war, and assertion teams up with Uranus, our planet of change, revolution, and destruction. Astrologers have been anticipating some major upheaval around the presidential inauguration based on this particular transit. It will be interesting to see what happens on both sides of the party line as we welcome our new leaders into office. This transit is also incredibly appropriate for the presidential inauguration and the themes around it. For the first time we have a female vice president who is black and asian. It is extremely in line with the revolutionary aspect of new leadership that a Mars/Uranus conjunction emphasizes.
For us on a personal level, this is a day where we ourselves may be experiencing some major life changes that break us into new territory where stagnant energy may have been present before.
Mars conjunct Uranus is also often relationed to accidents. We need to be incredibly careful when it comes using any sharp objects or tools. We do not want to drive in a reckless or reactive way. Move slow, allow yourself to be patient, and do not rush anything.
With our first quarter Moon in Taurus also hitting today, this is a powerful time for us to set intentions around our material reality when it comes to health, finances, and the structure of our lives. Set the intentions but don’t take action. Give it to the ether and trust in divine timing.
Thursday 1/21
Moon in Taurus
Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus 12:37 am
Moon conjunct Mars in Taurus 1:08 am
Moon square Jupiter in Aquarius 2:15 am
Moon trine Venus in Capricorn 9:28 pm
We may be feeling the intense energy with our Mars/Uranus conjunction still adding to the frequency of energy throughout the day. We still need to heed the advice of yesterday in regard to being mindful and careful with where we can be impulsive or reactive as this could result in accidents that cause harm to us physically.
Friday 1/22
Moon in Taurus
Moon sextule Neptune in Pisces 1:27 am
Moon square Mercury in Aquarius 5:59 am
Moon void of course trine Pluto in Capricorn 1:28 pm
Moon enters Gemini 11:43 pm
Mars in Taurus square Jupiter in Aquarius 11:49 pm
Mars makes a hard aspect to Jupiter today which adds to our need for caution over the coming days. There can be an inflated sense of ego or importance going to our heads during this transit and we need to be incredibly mindful with this type of behavior as it could lead to poor decision making and irrational behaviors. This is another “check yourself before you wreck yourself” type of transit. We benefit from slowing our roll and not making any impulsive decisions, especially when it comes to finances.
Saturday 1/23
Moon in Gemini
Moon trine Sun in Aquarius 7:27 am
Moon trine Saturn in Aquarius 8:19 am
Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces 11:49 am
Moon trine Jupiter in Aquarius 4:04 pm
Sun in Aquarius conjunct Saturn in Aquarius 7:01 pm
With the Sun and Saturn making a combustion, and Venus making a harmonious aspect to Neptune, our ability to envision the dream or goal and put it into practical application is enhanced. We do well being able to balance what is realistic with what is wanted in perhaps a more fantastical way. We are able to see the big picture, and the steps on how to get there. We could feel a bit bogged down by the bureaucracy of what we have to do in order to make the larger vision come to life, but we begin to feel ready to put those foundations into place. Get your world in order, your future self with thank you for it.
Sunday 1/24
Moon in Gemini
Moon square Neptune in Pisces 1:36 pm
Moon inconjunct Venus in Capricorn 4:28 pm
Moon void of course trine Mercury in Aquarius 11:17 pm
There is a potential for anxiety today wuth our Moon in Gemini making a hard aspect to Neptune and Venus. We may have anxieties about what is unknown, our personal finances, our stability within our relationship dynamics, and what we can and can’t do right now. It is valid to worry and have worries. Why can worrying be beneficial? It often comes from seeing all of the potentials of a problem or situation and finding ways to mitigate risk by getting in front of potential problems. Simply, it can help us not make a bad decision. Why can worrying be harmful? On the flip side, worrying about things that may or may not happen has us not being present in our current reality and can bring unnecessary stress to our minds, bodies, and emotion centers which can result in health issues. It is important for us to use our ability to outweigh potential problems and make smart judgments about choices we need to make without getting so blown out into the “What if” territory that we create unnecessary problems to our mental and emotional well being. Try to stay present and grounded in what is happening in the here and now.
Love, Peace, and Power
Analisa Six

Analisa Six is a Tarot Reader, Astrologer and co-founder of The Mystic Parlor. She lives in Yucca Valley, CA with her two dogs Bam Bam and Bruce Wayne, and her husband Terry Six. In her off time she loves hiking, hanging out with dogs, yoga, being vegan, studying the occult, and talking about conspiracy theories with Evelyn Zuel. You can book a reading with her here.
Photo by Kristen Cofer