1493 Source: Albrecht Durer
Another Monday and another powerful week of energy shifts! May 1st will mark the celebration of Beltane, the ancient Celtic celebration of life! Unfortunately due to Covid 19, I know that many May Poles will not be danced around, but if you are able to do a little dance honoring the marriage of the divine masculine and divine feminine within and around you, I highly recommend it!
This week starts off with a bang as our planet of communication, Mercury enters the sign of the bull, on Monday where it will be until May 11th. As a result of Mercury in Taurus square to Saturn in Aquarius on Tuesday, this week could feel challenging when it comes to communication and moving things forward, especially around work, finances, and politics. Despite these challenges, come Thursday we have a first quarter Moon in Leo, and Mercury and Uranus will make a conjunction in Taurus. This enables us to set intentions around how we express ourselves. We have so many opportunities to redefine who we are in the next chapter of our world. With this reflection period, and nothing going the way we had hoped, we are able to evaluate our role in society in a microscopic way, and really ask ourselves if who we are is working for us. I feel this first quarter Moon in Leo, and Mercury Uranus conjunction will enable us to break out of an old box or pattern we have found ourselves in. We may begin to have new and sudden insights to who we want to be, and how we can begin to create that person. Even though we have some challenging transits this week, this energy alone should feel inspiring and help to usher us into new terrain when it comes to how we relate to ourselves, and how we perceive the world around us.
Our relationships will be a mirror for what themes we are working through in life at this time. Any conflict we have with others is showing us where we are being asked to reflect and grow. We will be overly sensitive at the end of the week when Venus and Neptune make a square in Gemini and Pisces. We are likely to take things the wrong way, whether we mean to or not, so remaining open minded and trying to get in front of any emotional reactions is advised.
Judgements and perceptions may not be grounded in reality this week, healthy levels of discernment, and not taking things personally is highly advised.
Tarot Cards of the Week:
The Lovers, The Hierophant, The Tower, The Emperor, The Moon, Strength, Ace of Cups, 2 of Cups, 3 of Cups, 4 of Wands, 5 of Wands, 6 of Wands, Page of Wands, 4 of Pentacles, 5 of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, 3 of Swords, 4 of swords, 5 of Swords, 6 of Swords, 7 of Swords, 8 of Swords, Page of Swords, Queen of Swords.
(All times are Pacific)
Monday 4/27
Moon void of course sextile Mercury in Aries 10 am
Moon enters Cancer 10:28 am
Mercury enters Taurus 12:53 pm
Moon inconjunct Saturn in Aquarius 1:54 pm
Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus 11:08 pm
We start the week out with the Moon in Cancer. When the Moon is in Cancer we tend to feel reflective. It is a good time for active self care in ways that facilitate emotional rejuvenation. Take a time out with a bath, face mask, and a nap.
Mercury also makes its way into Taurus today, where it will be until May 11th. During this time there will be a large emphasis on our material world and how we provide for ourselves. On the 9th and 10th of May, Mercury will trine Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn before Saturn stations retrograde. We also have the Sun in Taurus making a sextile to Neptune in Pisces on the 10th. The work that gets put into our physical world when it comes to our finances, and our health, may have a bit of a payoff between now and then. I am hoping that Mercury in Taurus enables us to find more constructive ways to move forward with our economy in the weeks ahead. We will have a lot of optimism in the coming weeks, but with Pluto retrograde, and Saturn stationing retrograde the day before Mercury moves into Gemini, it may be a longer journey to victory than what we were hoping for when it comes to rebuilding our economy.
Tuesday 4/28
Moon square Chiron in Aries 12:13 am
Moon sextile Sun in Taurus 2:38 am
Mercury in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius 10:28 am
Mercury makes a hard aspect to Saturn today which often results in communication problems and power struggles. We could bump up against others with differing beliefs. We may have a hard time feeling heard or feeling like we are able to move projects forward without a lot of resistance or challenges. We could have a hard time feeling grounded today when it comes to our responsibilities. It is recommended that we don’t force anything right now, but learn how to hear the lessons we are learning in the midst of disagreement or conflict.
Wednesday 4/29
Moon in Cancer
Moon opposition Pluto in Capricorn 9:01 am
Moon void of course opposition Jupiter 12:29 pm
Moon enters Leo 6:06 pm
Moon opposition Saturn in Aquarius 9:27 pm
Today we may feel a lot of emotional and physical tension. It is a good day to move slowly and be kind to yourself. We benefit by finding a balance between self care and productivity.
Thursday 4/30
First Quarter Moon in Leo
Moon square Mercury in Taurus 3:46 am
Moon square Uranus in Taurus 6:21 am
Moon trine Chiron in Aries 7:20 am
Moon square Sun in Taurus 1:38 pm
Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus 8:41 pm
First Quarter Moon in Leo is an opportunity to set intentions around self love, and self expression. When the Moon is in Leo we can often find ourselves craving outside validation and fishing for compliments or praise from people we respect. This energy is not always positive. We are asked today to find where we can find this need for validation from within. How do we pull confidence from the self, and how do we lift others around us, rather than just seeking others to lift us up? Are we giving what we wish to receive?
Over all today we could feel somewhat anxious and ungrounded. We may question how we are doing things, and whether it is promoting growth. As we get more exhausted with stagnation, or quarantine life, this pushes us to begin to be creative in ways that get us thinking outside of the box. Although these ideas may spawn out of frustration, in the long run it is helping us to grow passed old limiting beliefs.
Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus opens up new perspectives when it comes to our world. We may receive insights and ideas out of the blue that inspire us to try something new and different. This is a good time to be open to changing your routine with how you approach your work, your creative projects, and your day to day routine. We may see some advancements in technology, environmental engineering, and unique solutions to our current pandemic.
Friday 5/1
Moon in Leo
Moon sextile Venus in Gemini 4:16 am
Moon inconjunct Neptune in Pisces 5:51 am
Moon opposition Mars in Aquarius 9:04 am
Moon inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn 2:02 pm
Moon inconjunct Jupiter in Capricorn 5:28 pm
Moon enters Virgo 10:35 pm
Beltane is a Celtic holiday that marks the middle point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer solstice. It is a time to celebrate life and is often celebrated with dancing around a May Pole in succession with a fire festival. The May Pole is an ancient symbol of the union of the divine masculine and divine feminine coming together to create life.
Saturday 5/2
Moon in Virgo
Moon trine Uranus in Taurus 10:19 am
Moon inconjunct Chiron in Aries 4:38 pm
Moon trine Sun in Taurus 8:40 pm
This is a good day for productivity. We may have started the week out a little slow, and feeling a bit burnt out, but today we could feel like the things we were not able to do, we now have the inspiration and energy. This is a good day to put order into your life and take care of any business that needs to get done.
Sunday 5/3
Moon in Virgo
Moon square Venus in Gemini 8:06 am
Moon opposition Neptune in Pisces 8:22 am
Moon inconjunct Mars in Aquarius 1:47 pm
Moon trine Pluto in Capricorn 4:01 pm
Moon void of course trine Jupiter in Capricorn 7:25 pm
Venus in Gemini Square Neptune in Pisces 8:52 pm
Venus squares Neptune today heightening our sensitivity to others and making it hard to see things happening as they really are. We are likely to project or feel victimized by current dynamics within our relationships over the next couple of days. It is important that we take a step back and try to recognize others perspectives, as well as building self awareness around any areas we may be projecting too much onto the world around us. We may be valid in our sensitivity, but we could be taking it a bit too far. Try not to fall into any wallowing woe is me stories, and ask yourself where you can nurture your heart, while not falling to a pit of despair.