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Dismantling Identity, Your weekly forecast 6/8-6/14

The Mystic Parlor

Art of Kali by Raji Ravi Varma

Dismantling illusions within identity structures is the theme for the week. And for me on a personal level, I feel DISMANTLED!! This last week I took a vow of silence and only posted content from BIPOC. I also spent my energy and time educating myself on how I can be a better ally, donating money to organizations, and trying to face the ignorant and uneducated parts of myself in an honest way. It has been an emotional process, but an empowering one. I have realized how much more work there is that I need to do to show up for BIPOC and how I have failed to really stand up for others. The work is never ending, I have been through many phases of dismantling white narratives within myself, and I am eternally grateful for this shift we are going through together.  I am sorry for where I have failed, where I have held onto ignorance, and where I have been wrong. I am open to learning, growing, and evolving during this time.  I am listening, I am trying, I am doing. 

Kali from The Moon Oracle

At The Mystic Parlor we have had an altar going to help protect everyone from law enforcement. We did a ritual on instagram where we set intentions to change the consciousness of the systems in power. We put some goddess cards on the altar from the Moon Oracle deck we have in stock, and Kali made her presence known by sliding out away from the wall. I chose to share this image of Kali for the blog this week as her energy is so symbolic of what we are all experiencing in the collective. Kali is the hindu goddess of the underworld. She is the divine feminine primordial Mother and holds us all in her womb. She represents the Shakti power of Shiva. 

Astrologically, this week we are being asked to open our hearts, our minds, and find ways to be of service. We are also extremely susceptible to absorbing the energy of others and need to exercise healthy levels of discernment and boundaries. We could be easily led on by people with ill will if we are not careful. This is a week where it may be hard to see things as they really are. If we are feeling emotionally drained by the end of the week, it is imperative that we take time to recharge and self care without shame or guilt. Recharging is just as important as taking action. We are of no use to others if we are battered, tired and drained. Try to give yourself an opportunity to give yourself some spiritual self care by Thursday when Venus retrograde in Gemini makes a sextile to Chiron in Aries and our Sun makes a square to Neptune in Pisces. We are healing relationships to others, the collective, and our identity within the narrative of the collective.  

Our last quarter Moon in Pisces on Friday will ask us to face illusions head on and release any barriers preventing us from diving deep into the subconscious realms. We may have some powerful dreams by the end of the week, dreams that are helping us to work through the deeper parts of our psyche. 

Saturday Mars and Neptune make a conjunction in Pisces. This energy is powerful for creativity but could also have us unable to see things as they really are. It is important we protect our energy at this time and use healthy levels of discernment, especially to anything we read in the media right now. Don’t trust everything you hear/read!

Sunday our Sun in Gemini makes an inconjunct to Pluto in Capricorn which could have us feeling ungrounded and craving a need for personal control within our lives and in the world. We need to acknowledge what parts of our ego need to be surrendered, and where we benefit from letting go of the old way, so that a new world within the self can be reborn. 

Tarot Cards for the week:

 Death, Justice,The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The World, The Fool, 8 of Cups, Queen of Cups, King of Cups, 5 of Swords, 6 of Swords, 7 of Swords, 8 of Swords, 9 of Swords, 10 of Swords, Page of Swords, Knight of Swords, 2 of Wands, 3 of Wands, Knight of Wands. 

Monday 6/8

Moon in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces 1:25 am

Moon conjunct Pluto rx in Capricorn 8:01 am

Moon void of course conjunct Jupiter rx in Capricorn 11:06 am

Moon enters Aquarius 5:54 pm

Moon conjunct Saturn rx in Aquarius 8:17 pm

We start the day out with our Moon in Capricorn making a conjunction to Pluto. This energy could have us feeling a need to feel empowered within our ability to transform our world on an internal level. We may feel a deep need for control within our transformation process. Be open to the spiritual rebirth that is trying to take place within your sense of self today.  When the Moon moves into Aquarius in the evening hours, we may begin to feel more empowered to make shifts and necessary changes with how we push for new structures within our lives. We are letting go and surrendering the old ways, so that a new road can be formed. 

Tuesday 6/9

Moon in Aquarius

Moon square Uranus in Taurus 10:30 am

Moon sextile Chiron in Aries 10:31 am

Moon trine Venus rx in Gemini 12:15 pm

Moon inconjunct Mercury in Cancer 4:33 pm

With the Moon in Aquarius today making a square to Uranus in the morning hours, we could feel erratic, restless, and like we are needing to experience something new. We may have our day get thrown off from the start, so it is best to not get too invested in your plans. We may have a hard time articulating how we feel in the late afternoon, there could be conflict between the mind and the heart. It is positive for us to find a way to work any frustrations through physical activity. We may need to go for a walk, or do something that breaks up any frustrated energy we are feeling. 

Wednesday 6/10

Moon in Aquarius

Moon void of course trine Sun in Gemini 7:35 am

With the Moon void of course in Aquarius, it is important that we do not make any life altering decisions today. We may feel a sense of urgency to take action, but more thought may be needed before that action should be taken. Aquarius is the sign of the activist, the community builder, the friend. We benefit from doing something community focused, connecting with friends, and finding ways we can be of service.

Thursday 6/11

Moon enters Pisces 2:32 am

Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces 2:37 am

Venus rx in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries 3:50 am

Moon square Venus rx in Gemini 7:35 am

Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus 8:20 pm

The Moon enters Pisces in the early hours and brings the tone of empathy into the atmosphere. We are extra sensitive to the energy of others when the Moon is in Pisces and it is imperative that we find time to recharge and ground ourselves spiritually. This is a good energy for meditation, spiritual practices, and dream work. 

With the Sun making a square to Neptune today we could feel like it is hard to see things clearly in relation to our perceptions of self and others. We may mistake the feelings of another as our own if we are unaware of our own intuitive abilities. There is a heightened sense of empathy and sensitivity to the emotional needs or processes of others. It is imperative that we try to lean towards discernment when it comes to our ideas or views during the next couple days. While we may feel ungrounded during this square, there is an opportunity for us to channel this energy into creative projects that can be used to empower the collective. We may feel inspired by this internal tension to serve the collective more actively. 

Venus retrograde in Gemini makes a harmonious sextile to Chiron in Aries which enables us to open ourselves to healing perceptions of self within our relationships in a beneficial way. 

Friday 6/12

Moon in Pisces

Moon trine Mercury in Cancer 5:07 am

Moon conjunct Mars in Pisces 7:13 pm

Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces 7:51 pm

Last Quarter Moon in Pisces 22 degrees 11:24 pm

With our Last Quarter Moon in Pisces hitting in the evening, we may feel like a need for spiritual healing and cleansing is in order. We may feel like the weight of the world is on our shoulders and that we need to tune into our psychic and emotional centers to find what the true meaning is for all of this within the self. Pisces as ruler of the 12th house wants to be of service to the collective. It wants to unify in the spiritual and ethereal realms. It wants to be of service to this collective consciousness. People with a lot of Piscean energy or 12th house energy tend to be very sensitive and empathetic to the energy of the collective. When the Moon is in Pisces we as a collective are more opened up to the frequency of this energy. It is beneficial for us to do work on the spiritual plane that helps to unify the collective right now. Last Quarter Moons are beneficial for releasing energy, we must surrender  any barriers or blockages preventing us from evolving into a more unified experience. If you feel there are barriers preventing your growth in regard to compassion, being of service, and your own relationship to source energy, this is a positive time for releasing fear around dismantling those barriers. 

Saturday 6/13

Moon sextile Pluto rx in Capricorn 2:56 am

Moon void of course sextile Jupiter rx in Capricorn 5:45 am

Mars in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces 7:13 am

Moon enters Aries 2:03 pm

Moon sextile Saturn rx in Aquarius 4:12 pm

Mars meets up with Neptune today in Pisces and enhances our creative energy. We are more receptive and intuitive to the energy of the collective. We need to be mindful with what we read, and what ideologies we support or buy into as our judgment may not be totally clear at this time.  It is easy for us to be discrete with our agenda or intentions, it is also just as easy for us to be misled or duped by someone with ill intentions during this transit. Be extremely mindful and protective of your energy this week. 

With the Moon entering Aries in the afternoon we may feel a surge of energy that is best expressed in creative or physical activity. We could find ourselves being emotionally reactive in the days ahead. 

Sunday 6/14

Moon sextile Venus in Gemini 5:24 am

Moon conjunct Chiron in Aries 8:27 am

Sun in Gemini inconjunct Pluto rx in Capricorn 6:58 pm

Moon square Mercury in Cancer 7:07 pm

It is time to let go of ego and previous identities with our Sun in Gemini making a hard aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. Our perceptions may be hard to let go of, but we benefit from letting this transformation process take place.  Ego death is often hard and painful, but what is birthed out of the ashes is often a much better reality to be living than the one we were clinging onto.

Love, Peace, and POWER,

Analisa Six


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