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Cancer Season, Your Weekly Forecast 6/15-6/21

The Chariot in the Tarot Del Fuego deck by Spanish artist Ricardo Cavolo

Summer and Cancer season is upon us!

Can you believe it's Summer already? Does it even matter? Do we even care?  I say that with some humor behind it, because let's face it, everything about this year has been insane and I don’t even know how to relate to the seasons anymore. Seems like there's much more important things to care about, but on a basic fundamental level, the seasons symbolize transitions, growth, and new shifts in energy. Similarly, when we hit the Solstice points, there is a powerful frequency that heightens our manifestation and intention setting abilities. This week we have a Solar Eclipse on the day of our Summer Solstice. While many astrologers warn about setting intentions or doing manifestation work during eclipses, as someone who was born on a Lunar Eclipse, I tend to sing a different tune.  We are constantly manifesting, creating, doing, with every waking and sleeping breath we take. Every thought, every action. Mindfulness is a powerful practice when it comes to manifestation, because we realize how our daily efforts create a compound effect that ripples into our reality. To bring some of what is happening in our world into the picture, the subtle frequencies of energy we agree to as a culture, perpetuate the direction of that society and culture. When we are reflecting on racism within our culture, and microaggressions, think of the term “microaggression.” This is a term to describe subtle energies and communication being passed between people. These subtle energies manifest into larger problems. Manifestation is something we are doing every day, all the time, whether we are conscious of it or not. When you are mindful of your energy, you are able to direct your manifestation abilities more consciously. There is never a wrong time to be mindful, or a wrong transit to be clear with your intentions.  

This week is INTENSE. Mercury stations retrograde on Wednesday at 14 degrees of Cancer. Thursday Mars in Pisces makes a harmonious sextile to Pluto in Capricorn and come Saturday we celebrate the Sun moving into Cancer symbolizing our Summer Solstice followed by a powerful Solar eclipse at 0 degrees in the evening hours. 

By now I would hope most of you know the down low on Mercury retrograde, but in case you're new to this, don’t make any serious plans over the next 3 weeks. If you do, be flexible when they don’t work out the way you wanted them to, try not to take anything too personally and expect some unresolved subconscious issues related to family/ancestral karma coming up for you during this time. We may find ourselves being overly sensitive in the coming weeks. This is a great period to work on not taking things personally and building a stronger relationship to our sacral chakra. We benefit from setting intentions this week on uncovering any past issues stemming from our parents or lineage that we need to consciously and actively take responsibility to heal in our lives during this time. We are evolving the collective consciousness and this is a potent time to send the right vibrations out into the cosmos. 

Tarot Cards for the week:

The Fool, The Magician, The High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Chariot, The Devil,  The Moon, The World, Ace of Cups, 2 of Cups, 3 of Cups, 7 of Swords, 8 of Swords, 9 of Swords, 10 of Swords, Ace of Wands, 2 of Wands, 3 of Wands, Page of Cups, Queen of Cups. 

Monday 6/15

Moon in Aries

Moon square Pluto rx in Capricorn 3:22 pm

Moon sextile Sun in Gemini 5:11 pm

Moon void of course square Jupiter rx in Capricorn 5:49 pm

Our Moon in Aries starting the week out gives us a boost of energy. When the Moon is in Aries we can feel a bit reactive, but equally we can be inspired and motivated to make headway on things we feel a sense of urgency about. With the Moon making a square to Pluto in the afternoon we could experience a bit of tension around what we can or can’t control in our lives currently. It is important that we find ways to expel any anxious or nervous energy by staying productive, getting our bodies moving, and being mindful not to take any frustrations out on others. Check yourself before you wreck yourself. 

Tuesday 6/16

Sun in Gemini inconjunct Jupiter rx in Capricorn 12:33 am

Moon enters Taurus 2:35 am

Moon square Saturn rx in Aquarius 4:29 am

Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus 9:15 pm

With the Moon exalted in Taurus we benefit from putting our nose to the grindstone and doing things that ground us. We may enjoy spending time in nature, going for a walk, cooking healthy and comforting food for ourselves, and taking things slow. We are in the shadow period of Mercury retrograde, so we may feel like communication is beginning to be off. Try not to get too emotionally attached to your stance on something and find a way to resolve any communication issues by being open to seeing things from another's point of view. 

Wednesday 6/17

Moon in Taurus 

Moon sextile Mercury in Cancer 8:03 am

Moon sextile Neptune in Pisces 8:18 pm

Mercury stations retrograde in Cancer 9:59 pm

Wednesday is ruled by Mercury and what better day for Mercury to station retrograde. Mercury will station retrograde in Cancer at 14 degrees today and will be retrograde until July 12th. Cancer rules the 4th house in astrology, the house related to home, family, ancestral roots, and our relationship to our parents. We may be working through these themes in regard to our mental process and what perceptions we inherited from our family lines. Some of these are subtle, not all of us are always self aware of perceptions we hold that were ingrained into us at an early age. We may be working through how we communicate within family structures during this time as well. Mercury will also be making a trine to asteroid Ceres which is in Pisces at 11 degrees on this day. Ceres is the asteroid that also shares a relationship to our mothers, how we nurture others, and the way we nurture ourselves. We may feel like we are healing any unresolved issues we have around self care and trauma during this time. Find ways to take action or initiative around your emotional and spiritual self care. We may be working on being more vulnerable with our communication, and learning healthy ways to process feelings during this time. 

Thursday 6/18

Moon in Taurus

Moon sextile Mars in Pisces 2:16 am

Moon trine Pluto rx in Capricorn 3:01 am

Moon void of course trine Jupiter rx in Capricorn 5:02 am

Moon enters Gemini 2pm

Moon trine Saturn rx in Aquarius 3:34 pm

Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto rx in Capricorn 4:08 pm

Being productive and implementing changes within our routines and structures is a positive way to spend the next couple days. If we have been constructing a new plan or structure now may be the time we begin to feel the need to initiate the actions that need to be taken towards these next steps or new goals. Mars in Pisces making a harmonious aspect to Pluto in Capricorn enables us to feel empowered in our ability to transmute energy within the spiritual and physical realms. 

Friday 6/19

Moon in Gemini

Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini 1:40 am

Moon sextile Chiron in Aries 7:49 am

With the Moon in Gemini we could feel restless within our minds. We benefit from physical activity, breathing exercises, and ways that we can help our minds ground. We may feel inclined towards wanting to have long conversations with people close to us about our emotional process. Moon in Gemini on a Friday could have us feeling social and needing connection. If it manifests for us in a more introverted way, there is risk for anxiety if we are unable to ground any restless energy that comes up. Journaling, drawing, taking pictures,  or doing something creative is a beneficial way to ground this energy.

Saturday 6/20

Summer Solstice

Moon in Gemini

Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter rx in Capricorn 12:56 am

Moon in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces 6:07 am

Moon inconjunct Pluto rx in Capricorn 12:26 pm

Moon inconjunct Jupiter rx in Capricorn 2:01 pm

Sun enters Cancer 2:44 pm

Moon void of course square Mars in Pisces 2:48 pm

Moon enters Cancer 11:02 pm

Solar Eclipse 0 degrees 21 minutes of  Cancer  11:41 pm

Mars and Jupiter make a harmonious sextile today giving us a boost in energy towards our dreams and goals. We could feel motivated to take on more in an effort to expand and evolve our state of being. This is a beneficial time for putting dreams into action. 

Our Sun moves into Cancer in the afternoon, happy birthday Cancer babies! Cancer is the 4th sign of the Zodiac ruling the 4th house in astrology. As a cardinal water sign, Cancer is often a symbol of active nurturing, the care giver, the mother, the lover. Cancer people love to love and sometimes insert themselves as a parental figure in the lives of their friends, being often an emotional caregiver and support system.

In the evening hours we have a powerful Solar Eclipse in Cancer at the critical 0 degree point. Solar Eclipses fall on the New Moon, which is an energy for setting intentions towards growth in a new cycle. When I think of everything we are going through as a collective in our country right now, I can’t help but think of the years of ancestral wrong doing’s we are trying to correct, whether that is being corrected consciously, or unconsciously, it is happening on a cosmic level.

We are being given an opportunity to set intentions towards healing ancestral trauma within ourselves, and paving a better way for the future. We need to take responsibility for our ability to influence the future, for future generations to come, and we benefit from setting intentions towards that today during ritual. 

Sunday 6/21

Moon in Cancer

Moon inconjunct Saturn rx in Aquarius 12:17 am

Sun in Cancer inconjunct Saturn rx in Aquarius 7:14 am

Moon square Chiron in Aries 4:07 pm

Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus 4:35 pm

Personal ideologies bump up against shifts happening within the collective on a social level and political level with our Sun making an inconjunct to Saturn in Aquarius today.  Action is required of us to make the changes needing to be made, and we may feel overly sensitive or take things personally in ways that we need to work through. We may feel like things aren’t changing as fast as we would like them to, but slowing down allows us to take a step back and evaluate the best ways to implement changes in our personal lives, as well as how that affects those around us.  This is a positive time for healing perceptions ingrained into us by society that may no longer be serving us or those around us. We benefit from being open to seeing things a new way, advocating for others.

With the Moon in Cancer today, and the hangover effects of the Eclipse, we need rest, self care, and a time out.

Viva La Revolution!

Love, Peace, and Power,

Analisa Six


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