8 of Swords by the Rider Waite-Smith Tarot deck available here.
Blessings mystics and seekers!
We start our week off with a powerful Lunar eclipse in Gemini. Evelyn wrote an amazing article on the energy of this eclipse and how to utilize it in your life, so feel free to head on over to that article for the full scoop right here. The famous En Vogue song “Free your mind” that came out in 1992 on their album “Funky Divas”, I chose for the caption of this article because it really feels in sync with the way this energy vibration feels in the collective atmosphere. It is common for us to form opinions or judgments in life that need reflection. We may have had one perception of beliefs for a time, only to realize that we have boxed ourselves into a line of thinking that no longer resonates for us with the evolution of the wisdom we now possess after more life experience.
With Mercury also entering Sagittarius this week, it is time for us to open our minds to new schools of thought. New perceptions and beliefs about who we are as individuals and on a collective scale.
This is also an important time for us to ask yourself whether you walk the talk, or just talk. We may feel our higher selves chiming into our minds and asking us to evaluate our day to day actions and whether or not we truly model what we preach in our lives.
We will be reviewing a lot of feelings when it comes to our relationship dynamics, perception of others, and how that in turn influences our perception of self.

Tarot cards of the week:
Tarot cards of the week:
Strength, Temperance, Judgement, The Lovers, Death, The Tower, The Wheel of Fortune, The World, 7 of Swords, 8 of Swords, 9 of Swords, 10 of Swords, Knight of Swords, 4 of Wands, 5 of Wands, 6 of Wands, 7 of Wands, 8 of Wands, 9 of Wands, 10 of Wands, Page of Wands, 4 of Cups, 5 of Cups, 6 of Cups, Knight of Cups.
All times are Pacific time
Monday 11/30
Moon in Gemini
Moon inconjunct Venus in Scorpio 6:38 am
Mercury in Scorpio sextile Saturn in Capricorn 11:01 am
Moon sextile Mars in Aries 6:13 pm
Moon void of course square Neptune in Pisces 8:22 pm
We start our week off with a powerful shift in energy as we are under the energetic influence of a Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Gemini. Lunar eclipses happen during the energy of an opposition between the Moon and Sun. This is a powerful time to set intentions towards releasing perceptions or belief systems that are no longer in alignment with the direction we wish to move towards in our lives. We will experience this shift collectively in the months to come. Whatever we move away from, will have lasting effects on our lives. Our value systems are highlighted at this time, and we could feel ourselves needing to make some changes within our minds around what we believe, perceive, and the actions we take in life around those things. It is time to walk the talk.
For more on this powerful eclipse visit Evelyn’s article here.
Mercury also makes a harmonious aspect to Saturn today enabling us to see things in a grounded and practical way, even if we have certain feelings that need to be acknowledged. The intuition pairs nicely with what we know we need to do in a surface level way. Trust your gut, and use common sense discernment to navigate any questions you may be currently facing about your life.
Tuesday 12/1
Moon in Gemini
Moon inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn 6:26 am
Mercury enters Sagittarius 11:51 am
Moon inconjunct Jupiter in Capricorn 12:22 pm
Moon inconjunct Saturn in Capricorn 4:38 pm
Moon enters Cancer 7:33 pm
Moon inconjunct Mercury in Sagittarius 8:40 pm
Mercury enters its sign of detriment today, Sagittarius, and will be here until December 20th. While this isn’t the best placement for Mercury, it does give us a brief feeling of freedom and optimism when it comes to our ability to think outside of the box. We may feel a bit of shift when it comes to maybe some of this depressive slower Scorpio energy we had previously been under. We may think of the big picture of our lives during this time. Try to stay grounded in reality and gather more information before making any large life altering decisions. This is a good time to educate ourselves on a subject we are interested in pursuing down the line.
Wednesday 12/2
Moon in Cancer
Moon square Chiron rx in Aries 5:18 am
Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus 10 am
Moon inconjunct Sun in Sagittarius 5:28 pm
Moon trine Venus in Scorpio 11:43 pm
Our Moon waning in its ruling sign of Cancer over the next couple days could have us needing some self care time in a more active way. Prioritize some down time for yourself away from others. We benefit from being mindful that we do not take anything too personally, or project our needs onto others in a dramatic way. Cook comforting and nurturing foods during this time, and try to get a lot of sleep.
Thursday 12/3
Moon in Cancer
Moon square Mars in Aries 5:28 am
Moon trine Neptune in Pisces 6:32 am
Moon opposition Pluto in Capricorn 4:22 pm
Moon opposition Jupiter in Capricorn 10:52 pm
We could feel some tension around our responsibilities today. We may not “feel” a ton of motivation when it comes to our chores or mundane tasks we have, but we do well to try and balance out our need for rest, with our need to be productive. Take breaks between tasks, and chip away at what you can. It is wise to move slow and not put too many demands on your shoulders.
Friday 12/4
Moon in Cancer
Moon void of course opposite Saturn in Capricorn 2:29 pm
Moon enters Leo 4:53 am
Moon trine Mercury in Sagittarius 1:52 pm
Moon trine Chiron rx in Aries 2:12 pm
Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron rx in Aries 4:40 pm
Moon square Uranus in Taurus 6:38 pm
With our Moon in Leo and Mercury making a trine to Chiron, we benefit from reflecting on our identity and relationship to self. This is a positive time for personal empowerment and self love rituals. If we are feeling ungrounded or insecure within our self expression, this is a good time to unpack the root of those issues and find new creative ways to fall in love with who we are on a soul level. This is a good time to set intentions around removing blockages around creative self expression. Share yourself today, with yourself in a way that gives you a sense of confidence and personal freedom away from negative thinking or heavy expectations.
Saturday 12/5
Moon in Leo
Moon trine Sun in Sagittarius 6:41 am
Moon square Venus in Scorpio 1:47 pm
Moon inconjunct Neptune in Pisces 2:27 pm
Moon void of course trine Mars in Aries 2:28 pm
Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces 8:53 pm
Venus in Scorpio inconjunct Mars in Aries 10:41 pm
Moon inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn 11:56 pm
Venus in Scorpio makes a trine to Neptune in Pisces, and a hard aspect to Mars in Aries. We could feel ungrounded and confused when it comes to how we are feeling in our relationship dynamics. This may be a time where we need to be mindful with the energy we project onto others, as well as setting good boundaries with people if we feel that we are being projected onto. We may not have a good sense of discernment and common sense when it comes to relationship dynamics over the next couple weeks, so we need to practice mindfulness as much as we can when it comes to how we perceive ourselves in relation to others. If we have feelings of inadequacies or insecurities, we need to take responsibility for ourselves rather than blaming outside circumstances for our own personal wounds. We also need to be careful that we do not go seeking emotional fulfillment in others, especially if it means reigniting a past relationship that we know is not good for us. Learn from the wisdom you have obtained, and try to trust your gut. Find ways to fill your own cup, rather than seeking fulfillment outside yourself. This is a great time for channeling your need for connection into creative projects.
Sunday 12/6
Moon in Leo
Mercury in Sagittarius inconjunct Uranus in Taurus 4:43 am
Moon inconjunct Jupiter in Capricorn 6:53 am
Moon inconjunct Saturn in Capricorn 9:53 am
Moon enters Virgo 11:46 am
Moon inconjunct Chiron rx in Aries 8:36 pm
Mercury makes a challenging aspect to Uranus which enables us to maybe see things outside of the box when it comes to a bigger matter at hand. We may feel a huge need for freedom when it comes to our mundane world. We may experience a shift or change out of our control that someone else presents to us. Our ability to see the bigger picture is enhanced in the days ahead, and we may have new information being presented to us that could play a large role in the choices we make from now on.
Love, Peace, and Power
Analisa Six

Analisa Six is a Tarot Reader, Astrologer and Co-owner of The Mystic Parlor.
She lives in Yucca Valley, CA with her two dogs Bam Bam and Bruce Wayne, and her husband Terry Six. In her off time she loves hiking, hanging out with dogs, yoga, being vegan, studying the occult, and talking about conspiracy theories with her business partner Evelyn Zuel.
You can book a reading with her here.