We start the week out with a Full Moon at 11 degrees of Aquarius hitting at 8:59 am pst Monday morning. Full Moons take place when the Sun and Moon are making an opposition to each other. When the Sun is in opposition to the Moon it is reflecting its own light back to itself. The Moon can be a symbol of a mirror to the Sun, where we are reflecting on what we are doing, where we have been, and where we are going.
The Sun represents our sense of self, our identity, the Moon represents our emotional and intuitive self. Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac and rules the 11th house. It is a fixed air sign. The fixed signs of the zodiac are related to manifestation and creation. It is in the fixed cross that we birth our ideas into the material world.
Aquarius is known for being a social justice advocate and activist. Aquarius is ruled by both Saturn and Uranus. Saturn in Aquarius wants to take the old ways (Capricorn) and build upon them. Saturn in Aquarius is all about social progress, and constructing a new future, after we have learned the lessons of the past. Uranus in Aquarius is about rebellion and doing away with the old structures that have been in place. Uranus is the rebel of the planets, destroying anything in its way that prevents it from advancing towards a more idealistic future.
With the Full Moon in the sign of Aquarius we may be facing a choice in our lives right now where we need to make a change that goes against what makes “sense.” We may feel an act of rebellion taking place within the self. Other people in our lives may not agree with the choices we are making, or we may not agree with choices those around us are making either. This is a time where nothing makes sense and we have to take the risk to follow our heart (Leo) in whatever intuitively is calling to us at this time.
On Monday after the Full Moon we also have Mercury in Cancer making an opposition to Saturn in Capricorn. This is also another transit that causes us to reflect on our perceptions that have been inherited from family and whether those communication dynamics or perceptions are working for us.
After our Full Moon in Aquarius, we have some large cosmic shifts in the days ahead. Tuesday Mars in Aries makes a hard aspect to Jupiter in Capricorn, Venus in Gemini makes a hard aspect to Saturn in Capricorn, and Mercury enters Leo. Friday Venus enters Cancer, and last but not least, Mercury and Chiron make a trine to each other come Sunday.
This week we may experience a need to be humbled. We may feel eager to push hard, fast and forward in our lives, while being met with challenges that force us to question what we think, who we are, and how we assert ourselves within the collective dialog. We benefit from finding humility in where we are still growing and learning, while not being afraid to keep pushing forward.
Tarot cards of the week:
The Fool, The Magician, The Emperor, The Moon,The Star, The Sun, The World, The Chariot, 4 of Swords, 5 of Swords, 6 of Swords, 7 of Swords, 10 of Swords, Page of Swords, 5 of Wands, 6 of Wands, Knight of Wands, 7 of Cups, 8 of Cups, 9 of Cups, Queen of Cups.
All times are Pacific time
Monday 8/3
Full Moon 11 degrees of Aquarius 8:59 am
Mercury in Cancer opposition Saturn Rx in Capricorn 2 pm
Moon sextile Mars in Aries 11:45 pm
Today our Full Moon in Aquarius begs the question; Is your activism/advocacy just for show, or are you genuinely influencing change within yourself and your community? Leo and Aquarius hold themselves and everyone else accountable to who they claim to be. During this Full Moon in Aquarius, a light is being focused around who we are within our community, and whether the community itself is living up to its own perception of self.
Within the Leo axis we may have to ask ourselves where do we seek recognition within that progress? Where do we make our social justice advocacy a show vs. actually influencing change in our world? It is easy to get on a soap box and point out the misdeeds of others, more so than acknowledging and taking responsibility for our own. During this Full Moon we need to hold ourselves accountable and ask where we can live up to the standard we expect from others.
Our Sun in Leo and Moon in Aquarius is also making a t-square to Uranus in Taurus, causing a great collapse around ego and perceptions of the self within the whole. There is no normal right now, and a new world is being built.
We may be facing truths about who we associate with. We may have some hard realizations that some folks may not be who we thought they were. We may find ourselves “breaking up” with political associations, or groups of friends during this time.
Mercury in Cancer will also be in opposition to Saturn in Capricorn enhancing the need for reflection around inherited communication dynamics. Capricorn says “ But this is the way we have always done things, we must uphold tradition!” Aquarius says, “The old ways are no longer or never were in service to everyone, we must change the old way so that a more progressive and all inclusive future can be built.”
Let go of the old ways that are not working during this Aquarius Full Moon, and welcome in the new world, the new self, and the unknown!
Aquarius Full Moon Reflections:
Where do I influence change in my community?
How do the groups I associate with perpetuate old or new perceptions in my life of what I view to be right/wrong?
What is my relationship to detachment?
What is my perception of progress?
Where can I embrace The Fool archetype in my life?
Tuesday 8/4
Moon in Aquarius
Mars in Aries square Jupiter Rx in Capricorn 6:07 am
Moon void of course trine Venus in Gemini 2:45 pm
Venus in Gemini inconjunct Saturn Rx in Capricorn 3:07 pm
Moon inconjunct Mercury in Cancer 7:16 pm
Moon enters Pisces 7:28 pm
Mercury enters Leo 8:32 pm
We may want to bite off more than we can chew in the days ahead with Mars making a hard aspect to Jupiter. This isn’t the best time to take risks, but we may not have a choice, and we may find ourselves doing it anyways. Be mindful and cautious today with how hard you try to assert yourself. Venus making a hard aspect to Saturn could make it hard for us to connect with others, we may feel a need to get some space to recenter.
With Mercury entering Leo in the evening hours, we may begin to focus more on our relationship to how we perceive ourselves within the collective and whether or not we are fully expressing who we are and what we need in a healthy way. We could feel bitter or frustrated today and in the days ahead on where we feel stifled or blocked in the progress we are trying to make in our lives.
Wednesday 8/5
Moon in Pisces
Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus 4:01 pm
Moon inconjunct Sun in Leo 11pm
With the Moon in Pisces we are extremely sensitive to the energy of others. We benefit from carving out some alone time to tune in and drop out, whether that’s doing a guided meditation, listening to your favorite music, playing an instrument, writing some poetry, or taking a relaxing bath.
Pisces rules music, poetry, fantasy, illusion, escapism. Find a healthy way to delve into the unseen world of the imagination and find a way to become inspired today.
Thursday 8/6
Moon in Pisces
Moon sextile Jupiter Rx in Capricorn 9:20 am
Moon conjunct Neptune Rx in Pisces 11:12 am
Moon sextile Pluto Rx in Capricorn 4:38 pm
We may have had some wild dreams over the last few days, and this would be a great day to journal/reflect upon them. We benefit from channeling these subconscious insights into creative projects. This is a powerful time for the imagination. We may feel more empowered to envision a more realistic approach to a goal or outcome that once seemed unobtainable.
Friday 8/7
Moon in Pisces
Moon sextile Saturn Rx in Capricorn 12:53 am
Moon void of course square Venus in Gemini 5:53 am
Moon enters Aries 6:05 am
Venus enters Cancer 8:21 am
Moon trine Mercury in Leo 5:12 pm
Venus enters Cancer in the early morning and we will have her here until September 6th. Venus in Cancer wants us to focus on our relationship to self care and how we nurture the needs of others. We may be focused on our relationship with our mothers, or inherited feelings we have about others that were ingrained in us by our mothers. This is a potent time for ancestral work and how our inherited perceptions of relationships influence our ability to ask for what we need in relationships, as well as reciprocate the needs of those we are closest to.
Saturday 8/8
Moon in Aries
Moon conjunct Chiron Rx in Aries 12:18 am
Moon trine Sun in Leo 3:49 pm
Moon square Jupiter Rx in Capricorn 8:44 pm
With the Moon in Aries we may need to be mindful with how we assert ourselves. We may have a lot of pent up energy and we benefit from doing something active to get it out in a healthy way. This is a good day for prioritizing your own needs rather than focusing on the needs of others.
Sunday 8/9
Moon in Aries
Moon conjunct Mars in Aries 1:35 am
Moon square Pluto Rx in Capricorn 4:38 a
Mercury in Leo trine Chiron Rx in Aries 11:02 am
Moon void of course square Saturn Rx in Capricorn 12:50 pm
Moon enters Taurus 6:28 pm
Moon sextile Venus in Cancer 11:23 pm
We end the week with Mercury in Leo making a powerful trine to Chiron in Aries. We are healing areas around self expression over the next couple of days. Where do we hold back from letting ourselves shine? Where do we make ourselves smaller to make others comfortable? Today’s transit inspires us to begin putting ourselves out there more and being unapologetically ourselves! Share yourself today, love yourself, be YOU!