Motherpeace Tarot Deck available here.
Blessings mystics and seekers!
We have a powerful Full Moon hitting at 8 degrees of Taurus on Halloween which gives an extra special frequency to the weekend.
Like most witches, Halloween/Samhain/Dia de Los Muertos is one of my favorite times of year. I LIVED for it when I was a kid. I thought it was so special and so cool. I have always had an affinity with the afterlife and a strong connection to it which has only heightened in recent years. I truly believe that we continue living after our incarnation in this human form.
During this time of year as we descend into the winter months it is recognized that the veil is thinning and our ability to connect between the worlds of the living and the dead is enhanced.
This is an especially important time for later work. Display photos of the deceased whether they be loved ones, people you admire who are no longer with us, pets who have crossed the rainbow bridge, or aspects of self that we are mourning the loss of. Marigolds, White Roses, Lilys, and food that your loved ones enjoyed when they were living are all great things to include on your alter during this time of year.
This week we may have some tension in our relationship dynamics. This is a positive time to release any energy no longer serving you, and to express your needs when it comes to close relationships. With Mars and Mercury both still retrograde, please be extra careful this Halloween season. Move slowly and don't do anything too risky.

Tarot cards of the week:
Death, The Empress, The Tower, The Lovers, Justice, The Moon, 4 of Pentacles, 5 of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles, 4 of Cups, 5 of Cups, 6 of Cups, Queen of Cups, 2 of Swords, 3 of Swords, 10 of Swords, Knight of Swords, 2 of Wands, 3 of Wands, Knight of Wands.
All times are Pacific time
Monday 10/26
Moon in Pisces
Moon sextile Uranus rx in Taurus 7:44 am
With us starting the week out with our Moon waxing in the sign of Pisces, this is a great time for channeling creative energy into something that enables your heart to feel in alignment with whatever your big dreams and fantasies may currently be. Find some time for self care during the day and listen to music that feels in alignment with your heart.
Tuesday 10/27
Moon in Pisces
Moon conjunct Neptune rx in Pisces 2:40 am
Moon sextile Jupiter in Capricorn 6:38 am
Moon sextile Pluto in Capricorn 10:58 am
Moon void of course sextile Saturn in Capricorn 5:46 pm
Mercury rx enters Libra 6:33 pm
Venus enters Libra 6:41 pm
Venus and Mercury make their way into Libra today. Mercury moving backwards into the last degree of the sign, and Venus moving forward into the first degree of the sign. Both 29 and 0 degrees of a sign are considered to be a critical degree point marking the beginning and ending of a cycle. It seems poignant that we have Mercury, our planet of communication moving back into the sign of relationships, and Venus the planet of relationship moving forward. I hope this means that those of us who may have been working on communication dynamics within our relationships at this time are getting an opportunity to practice and build upon what we have learned in the weeks leading up to now. This is such a huge time for personal growth, especially when it comes to our perceptions of how we view ourselves and others. Oftentimes we project our fears and wishes into the world, making up stories in our heads of how we think someone else is feeling or thinking about a situation involving us. Oftentimes these stories can run a muck if they are not rooted in anything factual. All of us do this whether we are self aware of it or not, but building self awareness can help us ground in what is actually happening vs. the story we may be perpetuating in our minds. It is important that we ask ourselves to differentiate this during this transit. How do we gain perspective away from how we feel so that we can better connect to our intuition vs. our reactionary responses. It can be hard at times to tell the difference, but it is important we learn how. Our feelings are equally as important as our rational minds. We do well finding the balance with our Moon in Pisces and this heavy Libra energy in the atmosphere. Our intuition is not always the same as our feelings, but can guide us towards validating the feelings that need to be worked through in order to find more harmony and balance within our lives. Feelings are incredibly important when it comes to spiritual growth, it is here that we learn how to align ourselves with things that give us meaning and purpose. It also enables us to find compassion and empathy towards others when we learn to connect the mind and heart centers.
Wednesday 10/28
Moon in Pisces
Moon inconjunct Mercury rx in Libra 1:08 am
Moon enters Aries 1:45 am
Moon opposition Venus in Libra 2:32 am
Moon inconjunct Sun in Scorpio 1:34 aam
Moon conjunct Chiron in Aries 1:39 pm
Sun in Scorpio inconjunct Chiron in Aries 2:32 pm
We have some tense energy when it comes to how we communicate with others in relation to how we get our own needs met. We may feel overly sensitive today to any criticism or intense energy from others. This is a good day for some self love exercises and some space from anyone or anything that may not be in alignment with where we feel we need to rejuvenate.
Thursday 10/29
Moon in Aries
Moon conjunct Mars rx in Aries 11:33 am
Moon square Jupiter in Capricorn 7:39 pm
Moon square Pluto in Capricorn 11:26 pm
Moon in Aries can give us a frequency that could have us feeling short fused and easily reactive. We benefit from using any excess of energy to be productive where we can. We may feel some challenges towards our productivity with our Moon sugaring Jupiter and Pluto in the evening hours, but hopefully by then we are resting and not having to focus too much productivity. We benefit from physical exercise as a way to wind down during the day.
Friday 10/30
Moon in Aries
Moon square Saturn in Capricorn 6:30 am
Moon void of course opposition Mercury rx in Libra 9:12 am
Moon enters Taurus 2:19 pm
Moon inconjunct Venus in Libra 10:02 pm
We may feel a bit irritable and ungrounded in the morning hours if we don’t find ways to work energy through the body first thing in the morning. This would be a good day to start out with a physical work out or outdoor hike. With the Moon entering Taurus in the afternoon, and being exalted here, we may feel better in the middle of the day. We benefit from trying to slow down and take a more practical approach in our day. We may need some space in the evening hours with the Moon making a harder aspect to Venus. This could be a good time to take a break from social media and do something that gives you a sense of pleasure or comfort.
Saturday 10/31
Moon in Taurus
Full Moon 8 degrees Taurus 7:49 am
Moon conjunct Uranus rx in Taurus 7:55 am
Sun in Scorpio opposite Uranus rx in Taurus 8:53 am
A full Moon on Samhain, it just can’t get any better than that! Our Full Moon hits in the early morning hours at 8 degrees of the fixed earth sign Taurus. This is a powerful time for honoring your ancestors and where you have been in your life. Not all of us may have a strong connection to our roots. If this is the case, then honor where you have been and let go of anything you feel you do not wish to bring with you into this next chapter of your life. This is a positive time for rituals around our relationship to both life and death.
Sunday 11/1
Moon in Taurus
Moon sextile Neptune rx in Pisces 2:31 am
Moon trine Jupiter in Capricorn 8:07 am
Mercury rx in Libra square Saturn in Capricorn 11:06 am
Moon trine Pluto in Capricorn 11:14 am
Venus in Libra opposite Chiron rx in Aries 11:55 pm
Moon inconjunct Mercury rx in Libra 6:15 pm
Moon void of course trine Saturn in Capricorn 6:29 pm
Tension in our relationships and how we communicate what we feel is fair may be a focus over the next couple days. We could feel some tension when it comes to the way we are perceiving the work in our lives that needs to be done. We may need to talk out plans and reconstruct our vision of the future. Try to see things from both sides, and don’t take anything too personally. If you are feeling ungrounded in your relationship, this may be a good time to figure out what you can do to support each other. Compromise is a frequency we may need to align with over the coming days.
Love, Peace, and Prosperity,
Analisa Six

Analisa Six is a Tarot Reader, Astrologer and Co-owner of The Mystic Parlor.
She lives in Yucca Valley, CA with her two dogs Bam Bam and Bruce Wayne, and her husband Terry Six. In her off time she loves hiking, hanging out with dogs, yoga, being vegan, studying the occult, and talking about conspiracy theories with her business partner Evelyn Zuel.
You can book a reading with her here.