Weekly Astro Forecast for 30 January – 5 February
All times calculated for PST: UTC -08:00
Sun = Aquarius 10° 10’ - 17° 15’
Moon = Gemini -> Leo
This week, the Sun highlights the energy of the 6 of swords which is the midway point of Aquarius season. The 6 of swords indicates that we are to move away from an old way and open our minds up to new forms of thinking. A subtle shift in perception can rally us out of our slumber. During the week we may be drawn to focus on the collective experiences through social actions more than we had been in previous weeks.
1/30 Monday
The Sun and Moon are in two air signs, awakening our curiosity of others. Throughout the day we may feel the need to adjust our needs slightly to our partner’s and how we talk about sensitive topics. The Moon moves into a sextile with Jupiter shortly after setting us up for a quick forgive and forget scenario. We’re able to get a broader understanding of our emotional realm.
MOON ingress into Gemini at 12:34 am, square Venus, sextile Jupiter
1/31 Tuesday
Romantic Venus in tender Pisces has her eyes set on accomplishing a task which makes the heart ring. This healing and sweet day with the moon sextile Chiron can have us feeling sensitive to ridicule or harshness. Release yourself from moments of judgement, self-doubt and blame and hold space for empathy.
MOON sextile Chiron, square Neptune
VENUS semi sextile Jupiter
NEPTUNE semi square the NN*
2/1 Wednesday
A day for direct action, focused intention, and initiation. The Moon trine Saturn offers us the motivation to work on those long range projects and business plans. When it enters Cancer in the middle of the day watch for an abundance of sensitivity to the environment and others’ emotions. Sun and Chiron are super charging our intellect and instincts, creativity is heightened.
SUN sextile Chiron
MOON trine Saturn at 3:58 am then goes Voc*, enters Cancer at 12:11pm.
2/2 Thursday
There is a cosmic ease amongst the emotional chaos. A lot of movement and activity beckons a need for adjustments with how one thinks about their relationships. Opportunity to talk about what is on your mind, socialize, share, connect, play. Getting the energy out through human engagement. An unexpected, pleasant shift in domestic affairs.
MOON square Jupiter, trine Venus, sextile NN, square Chiron, sextile Uranus.
VENUS sextile NN
2/3 Friday
Shaky foundations. A rupture which tests our communication skills can make us want to either hide or veil our vulnerable selves. The truth is what matters most and when held to such high regard, becomes the glue which sticks our heals even deeper into the ground. We may be met with rigidity from others. Notice where you are most inflexible.
SUN square Uranus
MOON opposite Mercury, trine Neptune, opposite Pluto, the Voc the last 2 hours of the day
2/4 Saturday
Still under the effects of the Sun and Uranus, the collective can come to some creative solutions and that solution is unity, art and fun. Releasing the energy of the week through artistic expression fuels us today. There may be moments of indulgence and gloating. Seeking desire through physical pleasures, body movement, sensuality, and self-expression.
SUN square Uranus
MOON enters Leo at 12:48 am, trine Jupiter, square NN, sextile Mars
VENUS square Mars at 7:28 pm
2/5 Sunday
The Moon moves into a trine with Chiron and square Uranus as she moves into her full illumination with the Sun today. The Leo full moon enlightens us to where we have done an exceedingly well job of healing our little selves. It may not be so obvious but as situations arise today you can see yourself working through the past hurts with confidence and ease. Moon inconjunct Venus can leave us feeling slightly empty to something we are unaware of but as the energy of the full moon wanes that something becomes apparent and we’re able to identify what we need in order to feel emotionally satisfied.
MOON trine Chiron, square Uranus, inconjunct Venus, Full Moon 16°41’ Leo at 10:28 am
* Voc = Void of Course, NN = North Node, SN = South Node
Originally published on Magic of I
Evelyn Zuel is an Astrologer, Hypnotherapist, and Writer
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IG @Evelyn.Zuel