Blessings mystics and seekers!
Happy March! This entire month is an extremely powerful and optimistic time when it comes to building momentum around our work and creative projects. A very different energy from this month last year, as we may actually have a little bit more of an opportunity to make some progress in our lives towards our hopes and dreams. March is the only retrograde free month of the entire year, so we do best to harness this energy as a time to get projects moving forward with the foundations we wish to carry with us into the months ahead.
Our main transits of the week involve a sextile between Venus and Uranus, Mars entering Gemini, Mercury conjunct Jupiter, and a Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius.
There is potential for us to have a few days of feeling moody, requiring us to gain space from others so that we can hear our own thoughts more clearly. Find a way to stay productive, as staying busy in healthy will help you avoid overthinking something that demands a practical and simplified approach.

Tarot cards of the week:
The Moon, The Star, Judgement, 4 of Cups, 5 of Cups, 6 of Cups, 7 of Cups, 8 of Cups, 9 of Cups, Page of Cups, 3 of Pentacles, 10 of Pentacles, 7 of Swords, 8 of Swords, 9 of Swords, 10 of Swords, Knight of Swords.
All times are Pacific time
Monday 3/1
Moon in Libra
Moon trine Saturn in Aquarius 1:17 am
Moon inconjunct Sun in Pisces 5:42 am
Moon trine Mercury in Aquarius 11:27 am
Moon trine Jupier in Aquarius 2:57 pm
Moon inconjunct Neptune in Pisces 8:40 pm
The week starts out with the Moon in the cardinal air sign of Libra, and makes easy aspects to Saturn, Mercury, and Jupiter, in Aquarius, while having some more tense aspects between the Sun and Neptune in Pisces. Despite some of these more tense energies, over all we could feel a heightened sense of optimism leading us into the week. This is a good day to brainstorm ways we can move forward with projects we are feeling passionate about.
Tuesday 3/2
Moon in Libra
Moon void of course square Pluto in Capricorn 6:09 am
Moon inconjunct Mars in Pisces 11:22 am
Moon enters Scorpio 12:38 pm
There is potential for us to wake up on the wrong side of the bed today, with our Moon void of course in the early morning hours making a challenging aspect to Mars. We could feel like sleeping in and procrastinating on responsibilities. It is wise to move slowly today.
Our Moon moves into its fall position in Scorpio, enhancing the potential for us to need more alone time, or slow movement throughout the day.
Wednesday 3/3
Moon in Scorpio
Moon trine Venus in Pisces 12:39 am
Moon opposition Uranus in Taurus 1:22 am
Moon square Saturn in Aquarius 3:05 am
Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus 9:09 am
Moon trine Sun in Pisces 10:52 am
Moon square Mercury in Pisces 4:01 pm
Moon square Jupiter in Aquarius 5:22 pm
Mars enters Gemini 7:30 pm
Moon trine Neptune in Pisces 10:30 pm
Venus in Pisces makes a harmonious aspect to Uranus in Taurus today which is a positive day for creative and artistic energy. We may feel some new inspiration to rebrand or change something about our physical appearance. Allow for this shift in energy to propel you towards stepping into a self that wants to unfold in the weeks ahead.
Mars leaves Taurus where it’s been since January 7th, and enters the mutable air sign of Gemini where it will be until April 23rd. This may be an intense time when it comes to staying mentally grounded. Mars is the planet that represents action and Gemini is the sign that represents communication. It is not unlikely that we may have heightened feelings of anxiety, or rampant thoughts over the coming weeks. The benefit of this energy is being able to problem solve and analyze a large plan in an effective way, if we are able to stay grounded, which is also hard since we are in Pisces season. We could feel sensitive and reactive during this time, but we benefit from finding ways to take the momentum in the air and channel it into creative projects over the coming weeks. This is a great energy for writers, or people who use technology in their work.
Thursday 3/4
Moon in Scorpio
Moon void of course sextile Pluto in Capricorn 8:10 am
Moon enters Sagittarius 2:43 pm
Moon opposition Mars in Gemini 3:32 pm
Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius 7:27 pm
Mercury and Jupiter team up in the sign of Aquarius, giving us a flare of optimism over the coming days. This is a positive energy for envisioning a future that enables us to take action and make strides in our lives. With the Moon in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius, we could feel passionate when it comes to our beliefs and values. Living more in harmony with them is a goal for us this month. We may also desire a trip or getting out of our mundane routine in the days ahead.
Friday 3/5
Moon in Sagittarius
Last Quarter Moon 5:30 pm
Moon sextile Jupiter in Aquarius 9:07 pm
Moon sextile Mercury in Aquarius 10:36 pm
Our last quarter Moon in Sagittarius asks us to evaluate what our values and beliefs are, and whether or not we are walking the walk. We may be reflecting on a shift in our perception of how we view the world. We could feel inspired to advocate for others, or to make shifts in our own lives towards being more involved in our community. Last quarter Moons are also a time for letting go and releasing energy.
Saturday 3/6
Moon void of course square Neptune in Pisces 1:44 am
Moon enters Capricorn 6:20 pm
Moon inconjunct Mars in Gemini 9:29 pm
Our Moon enters its detriment sign of Capricorn where it will be over the next couple of days. This is a positive time for getting grounded in mundane reality. We are prone to anxiety if we don’t channel our excess of energy into things that need our attention. Try and take a practical approach to your tasks over the coming days.
Sunday 3/7
Moon in Capricorn
Moon trine Uranus in Taurus 8:09 am
Moon sextile Venus in Pisces 5:29 pm
Today is a positive day for making changes in your mundane world such as reorganizing, decorating, or rearranging areas in your home, or work spaces. You may feel inspired to work on an artistic or creative project in the evening hours. We benefit from chipping away at things that need our attention, rather than avoiding any responsibilities. We will enjoy getting our world in order before we start another week.
Analisa Six

Analisa Six is a tarot reader, astrologer, dog walker and co-founder of The Mystic Parlor. She lives in Yucca Valley, CA with her two dogs Bam Bam and Bruce Wayne, and her husband Terry Six. In her off time she loves hiking, hanging out with dogs, yoga, being vegan, studying the occult, and talking about conspiracy theories with Evelyn Zuel. You can book a reading with her here.