Happy Monday Lovelies!
Thank goddess we start our week out with some harmonious and milder energy than we have in weeks past! It feels like so long since we had a beginning to any week be mild and more pleasant from an astrological perspective. Unfortunately that excitement will be short lived as come Wednesday, the long anticipated Mars retrograde in Aries takes effect at 3:22 pm PST and we are back on the roller coaster that has been 2020.
Now I am not one of those doom and gloom astrologers who thinks that retrogrades are “bad.” But I think in my short time as an astrologer, and the chaos that has been 2020, I am humbled by astrology and understanding from a predictive standpoint why Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune get the reputation that they do. It's one thing to read about transits, it's another thing to live them! These planets are really no joke. I wish I could say that Mars retrograde is a time where things will be good and “better” but the reality is just not the case. As we all know, astrology on an individual basis is case by case. On a grand scale, Mars retrograde in Aries is going to shake things up quite a bit and have some things come to light about our world leaders that may have previously been buried for the time being. Civil unrest will continue to rise, there may be more sex scandals coming to light, and we could even see ourselves heading for some ultimate deconstruction when it comes to our own government and political infrastructures.
It is important that we take things seriously when it comes to our plans for our future. We need to be ready for the worst when it comes to environmental and climate change, creating evacuation plans for fires, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes etc… We also need to be planning for what we are going to do in times of civil unrest.
If we have been working in an industry that has been hurting because of the pandemic, we need to potentially begin looking for work that is recession proof. We need to not plan for things to go back to “normal” because frankly, we are entering a completely new world in this next chapter of humanity.
Mars is the planet that represents war. Mars rules Aries as well as Scorpio and is known for being a planet that causes a lot of hurt and destruction when it is transiting an area of our lives. On a positive note, Mars also gives us energy, drive, ambition, and the ability to fight and assert ourselves for what we believe in. Mars is not a bad energy at all, but it can manifest in very intense and destructive ways if we are not careful with how we apply or utilize this energy. Mars can also give a frequency in line with competition and a desire to win at all costs. With Mars retrograde we could feel a sense of urgency to figure out how to accomplish our dreams and goals, but because of the retrograde motion, we may feel like we are unable to push things forward to the extent that we would like to.
With such a volatile frequency of energy in the air, those who are unstable and unable to channel anger in healthy ways, may act out in ways that are unhealthy or drastic.
Mars will be retrograde in Aries until November 14th of 2020, so buckle up and get ready for a doozy.
On a more positive note, Jupiter leaves the retrograde party this week when it stations direct in Capricorn on Saturday the 12th. As we all know, this year has been financially hard on most of us, and we have been patiently waiting on more government relief news, which at this point seems dismal. But with Jupiter now stationing direct in Capricorn, there may be something that happens in regard to finances whether its tax breaks, another stimulus, or some kind of news around what else we could anticipate when it comes to the workforce. It's hard to say with so many planets, and Mars now, in retrograde, whether any progress that is made will feel like progress, but we can hope that on an individual level, that Jupiter will help us find new ways to expand into the changes taking place, and find some way to get through the rest of this crazy year.
Tarot cards of the week:
The Empress, The Emperor, The Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, The Tower, 2 of Pentacles, 4 of Pentacles, 5 of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, 4 of Wands, 5 of Wands, 6 of Wands, Queen of Wands, 7 of Swords, 8 of Swords, 9 of Swords, Ace of Cups, 2 of Cups, 3 of Cups.
All times are Pacific time
Monday 9/7
Moon in Taurus
Moon trine Sun in Virgo 9:09 am
Moon trine Jupiter Rx in Capricorn 1:08 pm
Moon sextile Neptune Rx in Pisces 5:35 pm
Moon trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn 11:39 pm
The Moon is exalted in the sign of Taurus and makes a lot of harmonious and easy aspects today which empowers us to be productive and feel grounded in the current state of our lives. This is a great day to take care of your home, finances, body, and health. We may enjoy spending time outside in nature and putting order to things where we can. Moon in Taurus people tend to love connecting through food. Cook some nurturing food for yourself and a loved one and find a way to feel the pleasure of sensation in your relationship to the material.
Tuesday 9/8
Moon in Taurus
Moon void of course trine Saturn Rx in Capricorn 5:47 am
Moon enters Gemini 2:28 pm
Moon sextile Venus in Leo 8:41 pm
Our Moon enters Gemini in the afternoon and makes a harmonious sextile to Venus in the evening hours. With the energy of the day we could feel a desire or need to connect with those we love. We may crave attention or physical touch. This is a positive day for self love rituals and finding ways to have gratitude for the little things. Find a way to share and give love to someone who brings joy to your life.
Wednesday 9/9
Moon in Gemini
Moon trine Mercury in Libra 1:38 am
Moon sextile Chiron Rx in Aries 6:33 am
Sun in Virgo trine Jupiter Rx in Capricorn 9:04 am
Mars retrograde in Aries 3:22 pm
We may experience a lot of energy today and inspiration to grow past limiting beliefs. With Mars stationing retrograde, certain ideas or projects that were put on the back burner could gain some attention in the months ahead. Mars retrograde in Aries will not be an easy time for us as a collective. We may experience more civil unrest, strife, and hardship in the months to come. I fear for us as a species and hope that through all of these challenges we can make changes to our world that are for the better.
Thursday 9/10
Moon in Gemini
Moon inconjunct Jupiter Rx in Capricorn 1:02 am
Last Quarter Moon 18 degrees of Gemini 2:26 am
Moon square Neptune Rx in Pisces 5:16 am
Moon inconjunct Pluto Rx in Capricorn 11:11 am
Mercury in Libra opposition Chiron Rx in Aries 3:24 pm
Moon inconjunct Saturn in Capricorn 4:57 pm
Moon void of course sextile Mars Rx in Aries 9:48 pm
Today we have a Last Quarter Moon in Gemini hitting in the wee hours of the morning. Last Quarter Moons are an opportunity for us to wrap up some loose ends when it comes to energy we need to clear out of our lives so that we can move onto something else. Gemini being ruled by the planet Mercury, and also being the sign that the North Node is currently in, asks us to reflect on what our perceptions are around what we think we “know.” Gemini rules information from a fact based level. In Gemini we may learn how to read, write, and process information from multiple points of view. In Gemini we have to simplify large ideas and concepts to see how they actually can work when applied in a tangible way. Gemini also rules how we articulate or communicate our beliefs and ideas. We may be at a point in our evolution where we need to reflect on what communication methods are not working for us as we progress forward. We are in an age where everything we once knew to be “normal” is changing rapidly. Beliefs, values, and communication patterns as well as technology are changing. It is important that more than ever we begin to find ways to discern between the lies we are being fed by the media, and what is actually happening right in front of us. This is a great day to set intentions for manifesting more clarity and truth into your life.
With Mercury making an opposition to Chiron today, we also may be having to work on healing any issues regarding communication that have not been working for us. It is important we learn to confront things head on rather than try and keep the peace to avoid conflict as that could result in a bigger problem later.
Friday 9/11
Moon enters Cancer 1:23 am
Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces 1:26 pm
Moon square Chiron Rx in Aries 4:24 pm
Moon square Mercury in Libra 7:49 pm
Moon sextile Uranus Rx in Taurus 8:57 pm
With the Sun in opposition to Neptune today we could have a hard time seeing things for what they really are, especially when it comes to our relationship with ourselves. We may feel confusion around what we should prioritize in life right now. Moon in Cancer will give us a frequency that wants to rest and focus on self care. This is a good day for taking things slow and not trying to figure anything out that requires more thought or consideration.
Saturday 9/12
Moon in Cancer
Mercury in Libra inconjunct Uranus Rx in Taurus 5:35 am
Moon opposition Jupiter Rx in Capricorn 9:54 am
Moon trine Neptune Rx in Pisces 1:45 pm
Moon sextile Sun in Virgo 3:44 pm
Jupiter stations direct in Capricorn 5:41 pm
Moon opposition Pluto Rx in Capricorn 7:19 pm
Mercury makes a challenging aspect to Uranus today which could cause us to have trouble with technology and any potential travel plans. It is likely that communication will be difficult over the next few days, so be mindful with how you deliver information, and be prepared to have to repeat yourself or retype that long email after it disappears.
On the plus side, Jupiter stations direct today which should help us expand and grow in new ways when it comes to how we apply ourselves within our physical goals.
Back up any files that are important and try not to lose it if things don’t go according to plan.
Sunday 9/13
Moon in Cancer
Moon opposition Saturn Rx in Capricorn 12:37 am
Venus in Leo trine Chiron Rx in Aries 4:25 am
Moon void of course square Mars Rx in Aries 5:05 am
Moon enters Leo 8:32 am
Moon trine Chiron Rx in Aries 10:16 pm
Moon conjunct Venus in Leo 11:53 pm
Venus makes an easy flowing trine to Chiron in Aries giving us an opportunity to really tune into ways that we can improve our relationship to how we love and embrace ourselves on a deep and intimate level. It's positive for us to focus on joy and doing things that embrace who we are. Try not to take anything too seriously and work some self love and care into your day!