A photo I took back in 2012 of a crab on the beach in Ricon De Guayabitos, Mexico
Our last full week of May is upon us! The year is half way over and I don’t even know what happened. It feels like all time stopped and reversed itself and I still feel I don’t recognize myself, my new life, or the new world we are in. This past week our brick and mortar space for The Mystic Parlor finally opened its doors! We are following CDC guidelines wearing masks, disinfecting and limiting the number of people allowed in at a time. It feels AMAZING to be open. I can’t tell you how many times I have cried in the last few months just feeling frustrated with all of the road blocks that seemed to get in our way. Roadblocks that I now am learning to see as blessings. It ended up working out quite well that we opened in May instead of March for numerous reasons. There is wisdom in the universal consciousness for all things. I have learned through my life to trust in divine timing. I have had many labors of love turn into disappointments, only for things to come out of them years later that ended up being auspicious in ways I could have never imagined. It is important that when we are in a down cycle that we remember it is in the down cycle that we grow the most. If we are asking the universe to help us level up, we will be gifted with challenge after challenge until we are strong enough and wise enough to understand what it takes to be the person that has earned that new leveling up status.
I am so grateful to my business partner Evelyn for pushing me and keeping us motivated over the last few months. If I had not had her tenacity in my life, there is no way I would have been able to stick with this project on my own. It has been such a blessing to learn so much this year in so many ways.
Not all of us are feeling blessed or in gratitude right now. Some of us are probably the lowest we have ever been. This is ok too. When I think back to my lowest parts of my life, it was in those low parts that I learned to fight for what I wanted out of my life. I think that when we are facing challenges or difficulties in life it is a positive time for us to prove to ourselves what we are made of. This isn’t the time to give up, it's the time to reevaluate, course correct, and restructure the path we are on. Be open to where your life is rerouting you. If things are falling apart, it is so that you can become more in alignment with where you are supposed to be in this next chapter of your life. Grieve the past, but know that there is wisdom in the dying and decaying of the old.
While the astrology for the week overall is mild compared to some of the weeks we have had previously, we still have some complicated energy ahead of us.
Mercury makes a hard aspect to Jupiter in Capricorn on Tuesday which could have us feeling dramatic and not super realistic about what is tangible in the here and now. This week isn’t the best for long distance travel, stay home. If you can and find ways to expand your mind by learning something new through a book or online workshop, that could be an alternative for expansion.
Mercury also moves into Cancer this week until August 4th. Mercury in Cancer is a sensitive energy. We tend to take things personally which requires us to redirect towards inner reflection when it comes to how we perceive our childhood, our relationship with our parents, and memories from the past. We may work through healing some trauma or painful memories during the Mercury retrograde in Cancer which happens June 18th - July 11th. We will feel ourselves needing to talk about our feelings a lot in the next two months.. This is a beneficial time for seeking counseling services around any trauma we have endured during the pandemic as well.
Come Friday our Sun in Gemini makes a harmonious sextile to Chiron in Aries, allowing us to feel more at ease with our sense of self. We could be healing any insecurities or skewed perceptions we have been having around our identity. We also have a first quarter Moon in Virgo hitting on Friday which is a great energy for setting intentions around our plans. We benefit from making a list of goals that we wish to accomplish within the next few weeks, it can be little things such as health regiments, daily routines, and anything on your to-do list that you have been putting up. We benefit from chipping away rather than trying to get it all done at once. Mercury makes a hard aspect to Saturn in Aquarius on this day as well which could cause us to feel some tension in regard to how we speak our truth or opinions to others. We could easily take things personally. We benefit from being rational and not getting too caught up in differing belief systems. We could also feel some internal conflict over what we want to do vs what responsibilities need our attention.
It is best if we approach this week with caution, knowing we may be overly sensitive, but needing to also take a mundane and practical approach to any work we have on our plates. Try to find creative ways to take care of yourself while also chipping away at your to-do list.
Tarot Cards for the week:
The Chariot, The World, Wheel of Fortune, The Lovers, The Hermit, 2 of Swords, 3 of Swords, 4 of Swords, Page of Swords, Ace of Cups, 2 of Cups, 3 of Cups, Queen of Cups, 4 of Wands, 5 of Wands, 6 of Wands, Queen of Wands.
(All times are Pacific)
Monday 5/25
Moon in Cancer
Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus 7:34 am
Moon trine Mars in Pisces 7:58 am
Moon square Chiron in Aries 8:05 am
The Moon is in its home sign of Cancer on its day of rulership. Today is a positive day for intentional self care in ways that are in harmony with changes we know on an intuitive level we may need to make in regard to how we support ourselves physically and emotionally. We benefit from being kind to ourselves and not pushing productivity too hard. We could feel overly sensitive to the energy of others.
Tuesday 5/26
Moon in Cancer
Moon trine Neptune in Pisces 6:43 am
Mercury in Gemini inconjunct Jupiter RX in Capricorn 8:35 am
Moon opposition Pluto RX in Capricorn 2:03 pm
Moon void of course opposition Jupiter in Capricorn 6:06 pm
Moon enters Leo 11:33 pm
With Mercury making an inconjunct aspect to Jupiter in the morning hours, we could feel ungrounded and ready to break free from any restrictions that feel like they are holding us back from evolving or growing. Currently a lot of people are restless and ready to get on with their lives after one of the most depressing starts to any year we have faced collectively. Summer is in the air and we want to get out. With the inconjunct, we could feel frustrated by our limitations, and we may look for ways to fill our need for socialization and exploration. It's not the best day for traveling, so I highly recommend playing it safe and being mindful with whatever you have planned. We could also over exaggerate our circumstances, or make decisions that are not grounded in what's best for us. Our wants could override our needs.
Wednesday 5/27
Moon in Leo
Moon opposition Saturn RX in Aquarius 2:42 am
Moon sextile Sun in Gemini 12:02 pm
Moon square Uranus in Taurus 2:34 pm
Moon trine Chiron in Aries 3pm
Moon inconjunct Mars in Pisces 5:36 pm
We benefit from having a light hearted approach to our day and not taking anything too seriously. We may feel overly social and like we want to connect with people who make us laugh. Keep yourself in a joyful space, send your friends some cheeky meme’s and allow yourself to be creative without getting hung up on any outcomes.
Thursday 5/28
Moon in Leo
Moon void of course sextile Venus RX in Gemini 6:30 am
Mercury enters Cancer 11:09 am
Moon inconjunct Neptune in Pisces 12:36 pm
Moon inconjunct Pluto RX in Capricorn 7:31 pm
Moon inconjunct Jupiter RX in Capricorn 11:17 pm
Mercury enters the cardinal water sign of Cancer enhancing our emotional centers. We may feel overly sensitive and take things more personally in the days ahead. Mercury enables us to go deeper in the sign of Cancer, to our childhood. Repressed memories and unresolved trauma may come up for us during this time. Find where you have Cancer in your chart and this will be the area of your life that you are being called to focus on in the weeks ahead. Mercury will go retrograde in the sign of Cancer June 18th until July 11th. The stage being set up between now and then will open the theme for this retrograde period. Pay attention to how you are feeling in the weeks ahead and make note of any past issues coming up to surface, especially in regards to your family.
Difficult aspects involving the Moon today may heighten insecurities around our persona in the world. Leo needs connection and validation, and with the Moon in Leo we are already sensitive to the opinions of others. Focus on self love and self care affirmations if you find yourself feeling blue. You are loved by the cosmic mother!
Friday 5/29
Moon enters Virgo 4:40 am
Moon sextile Mercury in Cancer 6:32 am
Sun in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries 6:57 am
Moon inconjunct Saturn RX in Aquarius 7:35 am
Mercury in Cancer inconjunct Saturn RX in Aquarius 5:25 pm
Moon trine Uranus in Taurus 7:15 pm
Moon inconjunct Chiron in Aries 7:36 pm
Moon square Sun in Gemini (First Quarter Moon) 8:30 pm
With the Moon in Virgo for the weekend we benefit from taking a practical and grounded approach to our daily actions and routine. We may feel motivated to work on things that we put off at the beginning of the week. My husband always seems to want to do yard work and home projects when the Moon is in Virgo! Its like clockwork every month! This is a great day for taking stock of what is creating clutter or disharmony in your life and getting rid of it! Our first quarter moon in Virgo in the evening enables us to set intentions around our daily routine, our health regiments, and how we are of service to others in the world. This is a great day to implement a new practice into your life.
Sun in Gemini makes a harmonious aspect to Chiron which allows us to heal perceptions of the self that are no longer serving us. Mercury in Cancer inconjunct Saturn in Aquarius could have us feeling sensitive to restrictions we are feeling in our lives around what we want to do and how we want to connect with our community. It is important that we redirect any feelings of self doubt or sadness to gratitude and finding ways we can be of service.
Saturday 5/30
Moon in Virgo
Moon opposition Mars in Pisces 12:34 am
Moon square Venus RX in Gemini 8:18 pm
Moon opposition Neptune in Pisces 4:14 pm
Moon trine Pluto RX in Capricorn 10:46 pm
We may feel some tension today around what we wish to accomplish and how our own needs clash with the needs of another. We may feel like what we are trying to control during the day isn’t working out for us, so we do best to find a way to go with the flow and let go of any high expectations.
Sunday 5/31
Moon in Virgo
Moon void of course trine Jupiter RX in Capricorn 2:17 am
Moon enters Libra 7:38 am
Moon trine Saturn RX in Aquarius 10:20 am
Moon square Mercury in Cancer 2:16 pm
Moon inconjunct Uranus in Taurus 9:52 pm
Moon opposition Chiron in Aries 10:09 pm
With the Moon in Libra we may desire connection with another, or curling up with a book and learning something new. We have some uncomfortable transits in the evening hours that could cause us to feel ungrounded in our sense of self. We benefit from being open to the changes taking place. I think of the 2 of Swords card, we are needing to balance our perceptions within our minds, while also allowing ourselves to be open and vulnerable to seeing things in a new way.