Blessings mystics and seekers!
This week we are likely to feel overly sensitive and emotional as Piscean energy is the dominant theme.
Our main transits of the week involve a Sun conjunction to Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday, and a New Moon conjunct Venus and Neptune in Pisces on Saturday.
Positive ways to tune into Pisces energy would be through artistic projects such as music and art, spiritual practices such as meditation and dream work, or self care that involves spending time in water. Unhealthy ways that Piscean energy can be expressed are wallowing in too many feelings, alcoholism/drug use, overthinking the meaning of life, avoiding emotional self care, and suppressing the need to cry or release an emotional response to something.
Over the coming days, let yourself feel your feelings without judgement. Find ways to give yourself proper self care around what comes up for you, especially if it involves other people. This is a great week for dream work as our dreams will likely be vivid and memorable.

Tarot cards of the week:
The High Priestess, The Moon, The Star, 7 of Cups, 8 of Cups, 9 of Cups, 10 of Cups, Page of Cups, Queen of Cups, King of Cups, Ace of Wands, 2 of Wands, 3 of Wands, Knight of Wands.
All times are Pacific time
Monday 3/8
Moon in Capricorn
Moon sextile Sun in Pisces 2:15 am
Moon sextile Neptune in Pisces 6:41 am
Moon void of course conjunct Pluto in Capricorn 4:52 pm
Moon enters Aquarius 11:41 pm
With our Capricorn Moon starting off the week, making harmonious aspects to both the Sun and Neptune, we may find a lot of inspiration when it comes to creative problem solving. This is a great day for staying productive.
Tuesday 3/9
Moon in Aquarius
Moon trine Mars in Gemini 5:23 am
Moon square Uranus in Taurus 2:06 pm
Moon conjunct Saturn in Aquarius 4:45 pm
We could find ourselves caught up in current events over the next couple of days with our Moon in the fixed air sign of Aquarius. This is a positive day for being open to seeing things outside of the box when it comes to tasks that need our attention.
Wednesday 3/10
Moon in Aquarius
Moon conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius 9:58 am
Sun in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces 4:01
Moon void of course conjunct Mercury in Aquarius 7:32 pm
The Sun and Neptune meet up in Pisces today which could have us potentially feeling imaginative and ungrounded. Over the coming days we may feel extremely sensitive to the energy of others. We benefit from using this illusive time as a way to tap into our spiritual nature and creative energy. We may need to be mindful with our judgments of others, as they may not be founded on what is actually happening. A dissolution of self may feel like it is beginning to take place, and we benefit from spending time in the subconscious realms incorporating self care where we can. Dreams will be powerful over the coming days.
Thursday 3/11
Moon enters Pisces 6:44 am
Moon square Mars in Gemini 3:16 pm
Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus 9:50 pm
With the Moon ingressing to its New Moon phase in Pisces over the coming days, we will have a heightened sensitivity to the spiritual realms. This is a positive time for meditation, peaceful reflection, dream work, and creative projects.
Friday 3/12
Moon in Pisces
Moon conjunct Venus in Pisces 7:29 pm
Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces 9:52 pm
Creative energy is enhanced with our Moon in Pisces meeting up with Venus and Neptune today. Venus is exalted in Pisces, and Neptune is ruler of Pisces. With so much mutable water energy accessible to us during this time, we benefit from being open to feeling our feelings without judgement. It's ok to cry, to feel, to be vulnerable in ourselves. Be extra mindful with who you surround yourself with during these next few days and we are more likely to absorb the energy of others during this time. Boundaries may be hard to keep. We are likely to have powerful dreams over the night as our Moon ingresses towards the New Moon phase.
Saturday 3/13
Moon in Pisces
New Moon 23 degrees of Pisces 2:21 am
Moon void of course sextile Pluto in Capricorn 8:38 am
Moon enters Aries 3:44 pm
Venus in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces 8:08 pm
We have our New Moon in Pisces today which also falls on a Venus/Neptune conjunction. This is an extremely powerful time when it comes to our emotional world. For people who seek to escape reality in unhealthy ways, this could be a dangerous time when it comes to drugs/alcohol use if not careful. For those who have a strong spiritual practice, this is a positive time for meditation and dream work. We benefit from self care today in whatever way feeds our emotional world in healthy and grounding ways. We could feel incredibly sensitive to the world around us and should prioritize alone time where we can.
Sunday 3/14
Moon in Aries
Moon sextile Mars in Gemini 4:28 am
Moon sextile Saturn in Aquarius 11:58 am
With our Moon in Aries today making harmonious aspects to Mars and Saturn, we may feel like we are ready for a rebirth of energy after an emotional and heavy last few days. This is a positive time to get your body moving. We could be prone to anxiety if we do not find creative and healthy ways to expel any pent up energy.
Love and New Moon Blessings,
Analisa Six

Analisa Six is a tarot reader, astrologer, dog walker and co-founder of The Mystic Parlor. She lives in Yucca Valley, CA with her two dogs Bam Bam and Bruce Wayne, and her husband Terry Six. In her off time she loves hiking, hanging out with dogs, yoga, being vegan, studying the occult, and talking about conspiracy theories with Evelyn Zuel. You can book a reading with her here.