Full Moon blessings to you all!
Full Moon in Pisces blessings to you all!
Tuesday September 1st our Full Moon will hit at 10 degrees of Pisces at 10:22 pm. This is an energy I am all too familiar with as I was born during a Pisces Full Moon. This frequency heightens our psychic and intuitive abilities empowering our relationship to source. Pisces energy often feels the pain and strife of others and the world. Pisces is known for being the sign that rules compassion, as Pisces has a heightened awareness for all beings and that we are all connected spiritually by the invisible etheric vibrational web that connects us all.
For this Moon we could all be feeling extra sensitive and needing that alone time may feel imperative more than ever, especially with Venus being in the later degrees of Cancer for the week.
Full Moons are a time for releasing, surrendering, and letting go. Pisces is the ultimate frequency of surrender. Pisces is the mutable water sign that rules the 12th house. The 12th house is the house of the subconscious, of spiritual energy, where we feel connected to the soul and all of its incarnations. In Pisces we learn how to recognize the pain or joy in another, to empathize with experiences that are not our own. Being ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune, Pisces often has a hard time with boundaries and reality. Neptune is known in astrology as the “dissolver.” and reigns over music, poetry, escapism, fantasy, drugs and alcohol. Neptune is also known as being the planet that rules deception, and is where we can feel confused about what is real and what is not.
Full Moons are a time when the Moon and Sun are in opposition. This opposition helps us to integrate the frequency holding the duality of energy. Our Sun in the mutable earth sign of Virgo holds a frequency in the mundane world that is practical, pragmatic, and can see the bigger picture when it comes to our material reality, where our Moon in the mutable water sign of Pisces brings in the ability to connect to the hidden and unseen world. Our emotions, our intuition, our internal knowing that there's more to this life than what is perceived with the eye.
While our Full Moon in Pisces may dominate the beginning of the week, we still have a ton of transits that are opening us up to new roads and new frequencies of energy.
Monday our Sun in Virgo makes a hard aspect to Chiron in Aries, giving us a frequency that lends itself to insecurity when it comes to the plans we have in place and whether we truly believe in our power to execute them. Wednesday, Venus in Cancer makes an opposition to Saturn in Capricorn, and our Sun in Virgo makes a trine to Uranus in Taurus. We could feel some major change taking place in our lives, and we may hold onto anything that gives us a sense of security. Thursday Mercury in Virgo makes a sextile to Saturn in Capricorn which enables us to get work done in a practical and disciplined way. Friday we have a hard aspect between Mars in Aries and Venus in Cancer which could cause some tension in our relationships with others, but Mercury making a harmonious aspect to Venus in the afternoon could save the day and enable us to fix whatever problems or challenges arise, especially when it comes to communication with others. Come Saturday, Mercury enters Libra, and Venus enters Leo, completely changing the frequency we have had in our communication and our relationships over the coming weeks.
There is so much versatile energy this week, we could possibly feel like we lived an entire month in a matter of days. Hold on tight as we enter another roller coaster ride of emotions and experiences. Be open to the growth and the change taking place. The only choice you really have is to go with it at this point and hope for the best. Everything we know in this life started with someone's dream for a better future.
Tarot cards of the week:
The Empress, The Emperor, The Lovers, The Hermit, Justice, The Moon, Ace of Cups, 2 of Cups, 3 of Cups, 7 of Cups, 8 of Cups, 9 of Cups, 10 of Cups, Queen of Cups, King of Cups, 7 of Pentacles, 8 of Pentacles, 9 of Pentacles, 10 of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles.
All times are Pacific time
Monday 8/31
Moon in Aquarius
Sun in Virgo inconjunct Chiron Rx in Aries 1:54 am
Moon inconjunct Mercury in Virgo 10:14 am
Moon inconjunct Venus in Cancer 3:28 pm
Moon void of course setile Mars in Aries 9:56 pm
The Sun represents our vitality and life force, and Chiron represents a wound that needs healing. With the Sun highlighting the energy of Virgo, making a hard aspect to Chiron in Aries, we are forced to look at where we neglect our own health and sense of well being. We may need to work on getting more on top of responsibilities that we have been avoiding or anything we have been procrastinating on. We could feel shame around where we are not taking care of ourselves this week as it is an important time to reflect in ward in the days ahead on what on a deeper level needs acknowledging in relation to our physical and spiritual well being.
Tuesday 9/1
Moon enters Pisces 2:34 am
Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn 3:42 am
Full Moon 10 degrees of Pisces 10:22 pm Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus 11:04 pm
Mercury makes a powerful trine to Pluto today, and we have a powerful Full Moon in Pisces.
Pisces is the mutable water sign of the Zodiac ruling the 12th house of the subconscious. Pisces represents the spiritual waters that we often neglect when we have been living more in the Mercurial side of life. Because of this powerful trine between Mercury and Pluto in the earth signs of Virgo and Capricorn, we have a lot of balance between how we perceive our physical reality and also embody the spiritual experience. This is a great few days for transcendental meditation as we are able to have a grounded approach to the experience.
Full Moon’s are all about release and letting go. Pisces is often also about surrender, and letting go. Pisces rules The Moon card and The Hanged One cards in the Tarot, as well as the 7, 8, and 9 of Cups. While Pisces is a dreamer, and often looking for a place to escape from mundane reality, Pisces is also were we connect to the divine and our subconscious realms. In Pisces we may need to go into a deep place to find what needs releasing during this time. We will have powerful dreams over the coming days that can help us see what themes we are working through on the subconscious levels.
With Mercury making a trine to Pluto during our Full Moon, we may be asked to surrender or let go of beliefs that are rooted in where our perception of reality limits our ability to dream and envision a life outside of the box we have created for ourselves. Go into a creative space today with yourself, and try to envision a future that is unlike anything you thought was possible.
Wednesday 9/2
Moon in Pisces
Venus in Cancer opposition Saturn Rx in Capricorn 5:18 am
Sun in Virgo trine Uranus Rx in Taurus 7:09 am
Moon sextile Jupiter Rx in Capricorn 12:48 pm
Moon conjunct Neptune Rx in Pisces 5:09 pm
Moon sextile Pluto Rx in Capricorn 10:55 pm
Our major transits of the day today are between Venus and Saturn, and our Sun and Uranus. We may have breakthroughs when it comes to how we are relation to ourselves in our material world. We may realize that there are changes taking place that we cannot control. It may feel scary to jump into the unknown, but if we are able to strategize in a positive way, these changes we are taking could have long term benefits.
Venus in opposition to Cancer could have us needing to be practical about what our emotional needs are in our current relationship dynamics. We could feel in some ways that what we want is not in line with what we need, and it could feel frustrating to have to work through accepting where we benefit from being more practical about things right now.
Thursday 9/3
Moon in Pisces
Mercury in Virgo sextile Saturn Rx in Capricorn 5:10 am
Moon opposition Mercury in Virgo 5:56 am
Moon void of course trine Venus in Cancer 7:34 am
Moon enters Aries 1:22 pm
Even though Saturn is still Retrograde, Mercury in Virgo is making a harmonious aspect that enables us to see the things in our lives that need our attention in a grounded and practical way. This is a good day to form a strategy or plan when it comes to our work, finances, and health.
With our Moon entering Aries in the afternoon we could feel inspired and motivated to take action in some way today. This is a good day for physical activity and getting a lot accomplished.
Friday 9/4
Moon in Aries
Venus in Cancer square Mars in Aries 2:12 am
Moon conjunct Chiron Rx in Aries 5:51 am
Mercury in Virgo inconjunct Mars in Aries 6:15 am
Mercury in Virgo sextile Venus in Cancer 1:32 pm
Moon inconjunct Sun in Virgo 3 pm
Venus and Mars make a hard aspect today causing us to potentially experience some frustrations when it comes to our relationship dynamics with others. On the plus side, Mercury, our planet of communication, makes a harmonious aspect to Venus, which could help us in working out any conflict in a very positive and productive way. We have a lot of ability to feel creative when it comes to problem solving, and this could help us in building new awareness in our lives around relationship dynamics and moving forward with those we love and cherish. We do need to be mindful with how we assert our needs onto others, or where we project our tendency to think about ourselves in needy or sensitive ways. We may have to work on being more realistic or grounded in our approach today.
Saturday 9/5
Moon in Aries
Moon square Jupiter Rx in Capricorn 12:26 am
Moon square Pluto Rx in Capricorn 10:54 am
Mercury enters Libra 12:46 pm
Moon square Saturn Rx in Capricorn 5:09 pm
Moon void of course conjunct Mars in Aries 9:45 pm
Mercury enters the cardinal air sign of Libra today which gives us a new frequency when it comes to our mental process. Mercury in Libra could have us feeling a bit indecisive when it comes to moving forward with a decision in our lives. We also may feel inspired our motivated to learn something new during this time.
Sunday 9/6
Venus enters Leo 12:22 am
Moon enters Taurus 1:43 am
Moon square Venus in Leo 1:52 am
Moon inconjunct Mercury in Libra 3:46 am
Moon conjunct Uranus Rx in Taurus 11pm
Venus enters the fixed sign of Leo today! This enables us to focus on self love and how we express or share that love with others. Leo loves to share, but often will seek validation from outside sources. We may feel insecure if our flame is not being fanned by all of our adoring fans. This is a great opportunity to reflect on where you can build more love from within and develop a stronger relationship to self. Instead of searching for someone else to fill your cup, ask yourself where you can fill your own cup, and then share that love with others.