Full Moon blessings to you all!
We created this ritual for this weeks Full Moon in Scorpio to help you to step into your power and release any negative energies that may be preventing you from feeling in alignment with your highest self. We sold these fixed candles for this weeks ritual, if you do not have one of these candles you can use regular spell candles for either of these rituals. For more information on how to utilize the energy of the week check out our previous posts on the blog for this week!
Tarot Spread for this weeks Full Moon energy
( You may lay out the cards in any way you wish.)
Card 1: Energy of Scorpio Full Moon in my life
Card 2: Message from the Moon
Card 3: What does my heart desire
Card 4: What fears need releasing
Card 5: How can I connect to my divine masculine energy
Card 6: How can I connect to my divine feminine energy
Card 7: What am I being asked to heal?
Card 8 What to let go of during this time
Card 9: Divine guidance for this next cycle

Ritual for personal empowerment
Frankincense Oil
Carnelian, Bloodstone, Aragonite
Red, Orange, or Black spell candle
On the evening of April 6th, or the day of April 7th 2020, create an altar for your candle using warm colors such as reds, oranges, and yellows. These colors are associated with your root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras.
Carnelian and Aragonite are both stones used for confidence and personal empowerment- this can also be used on the altar, or any stone that you have that gives you a sense of personal empowerment.
Call upon your higher power for guidance during the ritual. Once your circle has been cast, and candle lit, sit in front of a mirror and say the following 3 times:
I am worthy,
I am powerful,
I am confident,
I am balanced,
I am enough!
Get louder each time you say it!
Take a piece of paper, and write on the paper everything you wish to stop saying to yourself that is negative or not uplifting to the essence that is you. Once you have this list, burn it safely using the flame of your candle and then bury the ashes in the ground. You can put the burning paper in a fireproof bowl, or cauldron until ashes remain. Close your eyes and imagine all of these negative thoughts burning away, and being replaced with a sense of love, clarity, and empowerment, regardless of any current life circumstances that feel hard.
You may close your circle with a meditation envisioning yourself at your highest and most confident incarnation. Imagine yourself wrapped in a warm cocoon of love, imagine that you are all you need in this life, imagine that you are able to overcome any challenge, because you are a powerful and spiritual being. Give thanks to Source / your higher power for the abundance of life that it provides.
Say allowed:
So mote it be!
In order for your spell to manifest at its best, make sure your heart is pure and intention clear. Your candle must be lit every single day until it is finished burning and all the wax is gone. You may put it out in between days for safety reasons but make sure it is burning every time you are able to be present to monitor it.

Run Devil, Run
Ritual for banishing and reversing negative unwanted energies
Rosemary Oil
Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Smokey Quartz
Black or White spell candles
On the evening of April 6th or day of April 7th 2020, create an altar for your candle with a black cloth underneath. Place a bowl of water on the altar- if you have florida water use that. Create a circle of white salt around you within your altar space. Crystals that are beneficial for banishing negative energies that can also be added are; selenite, black tourmaline, smokey quartz, and obsidian. Oranges are also a powerful cleansing agent, and will be good to put on the altar to enhance the vibrational frequencies of purification. Put a bowl you can burn paper in on your altar.
Call upon your higher power for guidance during the ritual. Cast your circle. Once your circle has been cast close your eyes and do a meditation asking your spirit guides to show you what part of your body you are holding fear and/or negative energy in.
Once you have this part of the body, ask your guides to show you what is causing this fear or negativity? Sit with this energy and ask yourself why you are holding onto it or making space for it. Imagine this energy releasing out of your body through your head and out into the ether, imagine it transmuting into a mist that is no longer hurting you. Once you have felt that you have let go of this energy, imagine what energy you want to replace it with, such as loving, healing, positive, vibrations entering your body through the top of your head, going down into your heart, and all the way down into the earth.
Once you have felt your body encompassed into this grounded positive space. Open your eyes and say the following 3 times:
I am protected
I am love
I am the all encompassing light that is all
I am not moved nor manipulated by negative energies that try to sway me or knock me from grace
I am sending all negativity out of my mind, out of my heart, out of my life
I am inviting peace, love, protection, and purification into my heart.
Say allowed:
"So Mote it Be!"
In order for your spell to manifest at its best, make sure your heart is pure and intention clear. Your candle must be lit every single day until it is finished burning and all the wax is gone. You may put it out in between days for safety reasons but make sure it is burning every time you are able to be present to monitor it.
Make sure to thank your guides for assisting you in your ritual and send the blessings out to those you wish to receive empowerment, abundance, and harmony in their lives.
We send empowerment, love, and harmony to you all,
Analisa and Evelyn