Blessings mystics and seekers!
Our last week of February is upon us! For those who have a hard time with Yin energy, the coming days may be emotionally one of the heavier or draining weeks we have had in some time. 2021 over all has so far had much of the elemental energy of air dominating the astro sky. But this week, we get some integration of earth, water, and even a little fire, to balance us out.
It is possible that as of late, many of us have been avoiding our emotional realm or things that have been burrowed deep into the subconscious. In the coming days, we may find our feelings will be brought to the surface as we begin our first full week of Pisces season, as well as a full Moon in Virgo, and Venus entering Pisces.
As someone who’s natal Moon is in the watery sign of Pisces, sensitive emotional energy is something I would say I am extremely well versed in, and I know what its like to stuff things way down deep, and have them all bursting out at unexpected moments. In my years doing spiritual and subconscious work throughout my life, I have found that dream work, meditation, time out in nature, and getting grounded in my body has been the perfect medicine for navigating my subconscious in healthy ways.
This is a great week to spend some time by yourself outside in nature with a notebook writing down hopes, dreams, goals, and ways to keep yourself on a healthy track. Let yourself cry, feel, and slow down. Lots of deep and spiritual healing can be done when we lean into our feeling centers in positive ways.

Tarot cards of the Week:
The High Priestess, The Heirophant, Strength, The Hermit, The Moon, 4 of Wands, 5 of Wands, 6 of Wands, 7 of Cups, 8 of Cups, 9 of Cups, 10 of Cups, 7 of Pentacles, 8 of Pentacles, 9 of Pentacles.
All times are Pacific time
Monday 2/22
Moon in Cancer
Moon trine Sun in Pisces 3:47 am
Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus 10:09 sm
Moon inconjunct Saturn in Aquarius 10:55 am
Moon inconjunct Mercury in Aquarius 5:31 pm
We start our Moonday off with the Moon waxing in its home sign of Cancer. This is a positive energy for active self care. We may feel like moving slowly and taking it easy as much as possible. Don’t over do any social activities as you are likely to take things personally or feel overly sensitive to the opinions of others.
Tuesday 2/23
Moon in Cancer
Moon inconjunct Jupiter in Aquarius 1:14 am
Moon trine Neptune in Pisces 10:06 am
Moon sextile Mars in Taurus 7:59 pm
Moon void of course opposite Pluto in Capricorn 8:54 pm
Today is a positive day for opening ourselves up to our feeling centers and channeling our creative energy into projects that feed our need for connecting to our reality in a more spiritual or empathetic way. We benefit from being vulnerable and open to consciously listening to what our gut is telling us about a situation, especially in relation to our mundane world. This is a good day for dream work and meditation. Think of the High Priestess and Empress archetypes of the Tarot coming together.
Wednesday 2/24
Moon in Cancer
Moon inconjunct Venus in Aquarius 1:47 am
Moon enters Leo 4:23 am
Moon inconjunct Sun in Pisces 4:18 pm
Moon square Uranus in Taurus 5:49 pm
Mars in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn 5:52 pm
Moon opposition Saturn in Aquarius 6:52 pm
The Moon enters Leo today which could have us feeling more of a need for love and validation from the outside world. Be mindful to not seek happiness outside the self, as true happiness is found within. We benefit from self love rituals that enable us to fill our own cup, rather than putting that expectation on a friend, lover, or family member. Take yourself out on a date, buy yourself some flowers, avoid instant gratification in shallow places.
Mars in Taurus makes an easy aspect to Pluto in Capricorn, which is a great energy for moving forward on projects in our material world. Now that Mercury is no longer retrograde, and we are leaving its shadow period, things that we may have put off can be refocussed on. Especially when it comes to business and finances.
Thursday 2/25
Moon in Leo
Moon opposition Mercury in Aquarius 1:56 am
Venus enters Pisces 5:11 am
Moon opposition Jupiter in Aquarius 8:40 am
Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus 1:13 pm
Moon inconjunct Neptune in Pisces 4:09 pm
Venus enters the mutable water sign of Pisces, where it is exalted. This means that Venus does well in the sign of Pisces and is a positive energy over the coming weeks. Venus will be in Pisces until March 21st. This is a positive time for creative work in relation to art, music, and poetry. It is also a great energy for finding empathy towards others, doing spiritual/psychic work, and learning to be more sensitive to the needs of yourself as well as others.
Sun in Pisces makes a harmonious aspect to Uranus in Taurus as well, which could have us experiencing unexpected and positive changes to how we are relating or connecting to our mundane and material world. We could feel inspired to change something about our mundane world in regard to how we personally identify or relate to it.
Friday 2/26
Moon in Leo
Moon inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn 2:12 am
Moon void of course square Mars in Taurus 3:32 am
Moon enters Virgo 9:07 am
Moon opposition Venus in Pisces 11:50 am
Moon trine Uranus in Taurus 9:54 pm
Moon inconjunct Saturn in Aquarius 11:09 pm
Our Moon enters the mutable earth sign of Virgo today as it makes its way towards its full Moon phase. We most likely will feel the energy of a full Moon today, even though it officially hits at 12:17 am on Saturday. Virgo energy rules the 6th house. The 6th house represents how we are of service in the world, our daily routines, and our health. These are positive themes to focus on when it comes to setting intentions for what you wish to call into your life during this time. Many of us benefit from focusing on how we set ourselves up for success by keeping structure and order in our lives, while balancing that out with tuning into our spiritual centers that Pisces energy enables us to connect to. Both Pisces and Virgo are focused on being of service. Virgo takes a more mundane and practical approach to this role, while Pisces takes a more spiritual and fluid approach. With both archetypes balanced and in harmony together, we can find personal empowerment with how we open ourselves up to the void of the subconscious realms in order to experience life on a deeper level. We learn to have empathy in the Pisces/Virgo polarity. We are able to make dreams a reality, especially those that come from a wholesome and loving place.
This Lunar energy in Virgo is also making an opposition to Venus in Pisces, which sheds a light on relationships and how we feel in them. Again, this is a positive energy for artistic and creative projects.
In order to see where this Full Moon is emphasized for you on a persona level, look up 8 degrees of Pisces and Virgo, see what house that is taking place in your natal chart, and that will be the area of your life to set intentions towards for this full Moon in Virgo.
Saturday 2/27
Moon in Virgo
Full Moon 8 degrees of Virgo 12:17 am
Moon inconjunct Mercury in Aquarius 7:25 am
Moon inconjunct Jupiter in Aquarius 12:40 pm
Moon opposition Neptune in Pisces 7:06 pm
We will continue to be under the influential energy of the Full Moon in Virgo throughout the day, and with the Moon making hard aspects to Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune, we could feel easily ungrounded and challenged by the energy of others. It would be good to avoid social media today, and focus more on putting order to things in your personal life.
Sunday 2/28
Moon in Virgo
Moon trine Pluto in Capricorn 4:42 am
Moon void of course trine Mars in Taurus 7:58 am
Moon enters Libra 11:17 am
Moon inconjunct Venus in Pisces 6:36 pm
Moon inconjunct Uranus in Taurus 11:49 pm
Our Moon enters Libra in the morning which may help lighten up some of the heavier feelings we have had over the week. This is a good day to hunker in with a book or documentary. Give your mind something to chew on on that is intellectually stimulating. Not the best day to socialize as we may need space for our own thoughts at this time.
Full Moon Blessings,
Analisa Six

Analisa Six is a tarot reader, astrologer, dog walker and co-founder of The Mystic Parlor. She lives in Yucca Valley, CA with her two dogs Bam Bam and Bruce Wayne, and her husband Terry Six. In her off time she loves hiking, hanging out with dogs, yoga, being vegan, studying the occult, and talking about conspiracy theories with Evelyn Zuel. You can book a reading with her here.
Photo by Carly Valentine