Blessings seekers and mystics!
This week we walk through the shadows of our subconscious as the Moon wanes towards a New Moon in Scorpio, Mercury moves into Scorpio for the second time, Jupiter conjoins with the god of the underworld Pluto for the last time of the year, and tension between Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune enhance our need to work out relationship dynamics in direct and creative new ways.
Our relationship to power and what personal empowerment means to us is a large highlight for the week. We may feel like we are experiencing tension in our lives when it comes to work or certain relationship dynamics we may be facing. Finding balance and fairness when it comes to asking what we need and respecting the needs of others is a highlight. We may feel like we are more sensitive to the energy of others as the days progress this week. We do well taking breaks and down time away from social media as often as we can. This is a really constructive week for creativity. We may feel inspired to work on an existing project or start something new.

Tarot Cards for the week:
Justice, Death, The Tower, Judgment, The Devil, The Emperor, The Moon, Wheel of Fortune, 4 of Cups, 5 of Cups, 6 of Cups, Knight of Cups, Queen of Cups, 2 of Pentacles, 3 of Pentacles, 2 of Swords, 3 of Swords, 10 of Swords, Page of Swords, Knight of Swords, Ace of Wands, 2 of Wands, 3 of Wands, 5 of Wands.
All times are Pacific time
Monday 11/9
Moon in Leo
Moon void of course sextile Mercury in Libra 3:05 am
Moon enters Virgo 5:30 am
Venus in Libra opposition Mars rx in Aries 8:08 am
Moon inconjunct Chiron rx in Aries 3:03 pm
Moon trine Uranus rx in Taurus 7:50 pm
Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune rx in Pisces 9:11 pm
Venus, our planet of relationships, money, and beauty is in her rulership of Libra, and Mars the planet of war, assertion, action, and initiation is in its home sign of Aries. The two make an opposition to each other today asking for integration within the duality of harmony, and conflict. This is a frequency we will be feeling the days ahead, and we may find ourselves having to face things in a direct way while also finding a way to keep the peace.
Our Sun makes a trine to Neptune today which could have an ungrounding effect. Hopefully with our Moon in Virgo for most of the day, that gives us an ability to tune into our creativity as well as find practical ways to get things done.
Tuesday 11/10
Moon in Virgo
Moon inconjunct Mars rx in Aries 7:45 am
Moon opposition Neptune in rx in pisces 12:42 pm
Moon sextile Sun in Scorpio 1:53 pm
Mercury enters Scorpio 1:55 pm
Moon trine Jupiter in Capricorn 7:55 pm
Moon trine Pluto in Capricorn 8:20 pm
Mercury moves into Scorpio for the second time and gives us an intense frequency when it comes to our communication. This may be a time where we are reflecting on shadow parts of ourselves and perceptions we have about how we communicate and transmute energy in our lives. Mercury will be in Scorpio until December 1st, giving us plenty of time to work through the subconscious honestly, and directly. Because Mercury already made its pass through the first few degrees of Scorpio last month, we may be reflecting on some similar issues that happened during the retrograde cycle. This will be a time to cycle back through and wrap up any emotional or energetic loose ends.
Wednesday 11/11
Moon in Virgo
Moon void of course trine Saturn in Capricorn 2:58 am
Moon enters Libra 8:09 am
Venus in Libra inconjunct Neptune rx in Pisces 4:31 pm
Moon opposition Chiron rx in Aries 5:03 pm
Moon inconjunct Uranus rx in Taurus 9:31 pm
It may be hard to see relationship dynamics clearly at this time as our planet Venus, which is still in opposition to Mars, is also making a hard aspect to Neptune. Neptune is the planet that rules art, inspiration, music and poetry and Venus also rules art, as well as finances and beauty. These two together are very powerful when it comes to creative projects. This energy can be channeled positively into that sort of thing, but it can also have us feeling ungrounded when it comes to practical or mundane matters. This may not be the time to take any financial risks, or to make any serious decisions but we are encouraged to be creative.
Thursday 11/12
Moon in Libra
Moon opposition Mars rx in Aries 8:50 am
Moon inconjunct Neptune rx in Pisces 1:37 pm
Jupiter in Capricorn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn 1:39 pm
Moon conjunct Venus in Libra 3:31 pm
Moon square Pluto in Capricorn 9 pm
Moon square Jupiter in Capricorn 9:05 pm
This is the third and final conjunction between Jupiter and Pluto of the year. Jupiter/ Pluto conjunctions have been prevalent during times of global pandemics as well as meaningful changes in power and financial structures. We obviously have a huge shift taking place this year on all of those levels, and this last conjunction is really going to impact the frequency we bring with us into the coming months.
Friday 11/13
Moon in Libra
Moon void of course square Saturn in Capricorn 3:32 am
Moon enters Scorpio 8:19 am
Moon conjunct Mercury in Scorpio 1:44 pm
Mars stations direct in Aries 4:36 pm
Moon inconjunct Chiron rx in Aries 4:50 pm
Moon opposition Uranus rx in Taurus 9:10 pm
Mars finally stations direct after a grueling 2 months of retrograde. Mars has been in its sign of rulership, Aries, since the end of June. Now with Mars stationing direct at 15 degrees of Aries, we have only 8 weeks left of it making its way through the cardinal fire sign of the ram. We saw a lot of civil unrest and protesting this year. Our collective anger towards the injustices in our world was a sure reflection of Mars in action. We may have more fight in us as the last 2 months of 2020 come to a head.
Saturday 11/14
Moon in Scorpio
Moon inconjunct Mars in Aries 8:23 am
Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn 11:48 am
Moon trine Neptune in Pisces 1:05 pm
Sun in Scorpio sextile Jupiter in Capricorn 7:57 pm
Moon sextile Pluto in Capricorn 8:31 pm
Moon sextile Jupiter in Capricorn 9:03 pm
New Moon 23 degrees of Scorpio 9:07 pm
Our Sun makes a harmonious aspect to both Jupiter and Pluto today before teaming up with our Moon at 9:07 pm in Scorpio. Our new Moon in Scorpio is a powerful time for shadow work. Shadow work is when we dive deep into our subconscious to acknowledge parts of ourselves we may be avoiding. These can be aspects of our nature that we don’t always want to take responsibility for or admit exists within us. It is often easier to look outside ourselves and blame outside circumstances rather than looking within ourselves and acknowledging what truths about what we project onto the world reflect back to us the reality we are weaving within our lives. It is a good time to reflect on where we expand or hinder our own personal growth and understanding.. The subconscious is an interesting place that comes alive in our dreams. This is a powerful time for dream work as the messages of the subconscious may be easier to access through the symbolism of our dreams. Set intentions tonight towards uncovering aspects of self that need reflection.
Sunday 11/15
Moon in Scorpio
Mercury in Scorpio inconjunct Chiron rx in Aries 1:35 am
Moon void of course in Scorpio sextile Saturn in Capricorn 3:13 am
Moon enters Sagittarius 7:47 am
Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn 11:43 am
Moon trine Chiron rx in Aries 4:19 pm
Moon inconjunct Uranus rx in Taurus 8:40 pm
Venus in Libra square Jupiter in Capricorn 9:33 pm
Mercury makes a difficult aspect to Chiron, and Venus makes a hard aspect to both Jupiter and Pluto. This gives a frequency of challenge and tension when it comes to how we communicate in relationships. Power struggles are a theme, and feeling overly sensitive or even aggressive at times could also be an energy that we feel over the coming days. We need to be extra mindful with how we express ourselves to others.
Love, Peace, and Power
Analisa Six

Analisa Six is a Tarot Reader, Astrologer and Co-owner of The Mystic Parlor.
She lives in Yucca Valley, CA with her two dogs Bam Bam and Bruce Wayne, and her husband Terry Six. In her off time she loves hiking, hanging out with dogs, yoga, being vegan, studying the occult, and talking about conspiracy theories with her business partner Evelyn Zuel.
You can book a reading with her here.