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With a Little Help From Our Friends, Your Astrocast 2/8-2/14

Blessings mystics and seekers!

Aquarius energy is the main theme for the week as the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn are all stationed in the fixed air sign. On top of that, we also have a New Moon hitting in Aquarius on Thursday, with our Moon making conjunctions to all of these planets. I am not someone who talks about nor focuses on politics too much, especially within my astrological practice, as that is in no way an area of expertise for me, but I do find it interesting that we have Trump's impeachment during this heavy Aquarius week, as Aquarius is the sign of the people, social justice, and revolution.

On an individual level, communication and how we express ourselves with others is a major theme for the week. We may feel inspired to be more vocal about our opinion or feelings regarding social and political issues. It would be easy for us to get on a soap box this week. We could also feel a huge desire to be social, connect with people we haven't spoken to in a while, or set up some virtual dates. We benefit from finding ways to connect with people we love and care about.

Tarot cards of the week:

The Star, The Lovers, Wheel of Fortune, The Empress, 4 of Swords, 5 of Swords, 6 of Swords, Queen of Swords, King of Swords, 7 of Cups, 8 of Cups, 9 of Cups, 10 of Cups, Queen of Cups, Ace of Wands, 2 of Wands, 3 of Wands.

All times are Pacific time

Monday 2/8

Moon in Capricorn

Moon trine Uranus in Taurus 1 am

Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde in Aquarius 5:48 am

Moon trine Mars in Taurus 6:21 pm

Moon sextile Neptune in Pisces 10:55 pm

Our Sun and Mercury meet up making what is often called a combustion. Look to where Aquarius is at 19 degrees in your chart to see where this combustion is hitting in your personal birth chart. Communication is enhanced when it comes to how we express ourselves to others. We may feel passionate about an issue and it is likely that we will feel like speaking out about whatever calls to us.

Tuesday 2/9

Moon in Capricorn

Moon sextile Neptune in Pisces 1:55 am

Moon void of course conjunct Pluto in Capricorn 9:22 am

Moon enters Aquarius 5:20 pm

With our Moon in Capricorn for the first half of the day, we do well taking a practical approach to any responsibilities we need to accomplish. This is not a good day for procrastination. Get a move on anything that demands your attention and find ways to stay grounded in the present moment.

Wednesday 2/10

Moon in Aquarius

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus 4:16 am

Moon conjunct Saturn in Capricorn 4:42 am

Moon square Uranus in Taurus 5:51 am

Moon conjunct Venus in Aquarius 2:11 pm

Moon conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius 3:29 pm

Moon conjunct Mercury retrograde in Aquarius 11:22 pm

Mercury and Mars square off today which could have us feeling reactive towards anything that differs from how we perceive our world. With the Moon moving into its Balsamic phase and making conjunctions to Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury today, we have a desire to connect to others and our community in ways that feel good to us on a soul level.

Thursday 2/11

Moon in Aquarius

Moon square Mars in Taurus 1:55 am

Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius 7 am

Moon void of course 11:06 am

New Moon in Aquarius 11:06 am

Moon enters Pisces 11:23 pm

Venus and Jupiter make a powerful conjunction today which is an extremely positive energy when it comes to optimism towards the future of our world. We could feel positive about the area of our lives where this conjunction is happening. Find 12 degrees Aquarius in your chart to see where this energy is making the most positive impact for you.

Our New Moon hits today at 23 degrees of Aquarius which is a great energy for setting intentions around our role within our community. We may have felt lost over previous months when it comes to our role moving forward in our lives. With an ever changing world, it can be confusing to know what is even possible and how we can be of best use. Set intentions towards ways you can be a valuable member of society, contributing to our world for the greater good of all its creatures. This is a good time to focus on things you can do that are selfless.

Friday 2/12

Moon in Pisces

Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus 12:30 pm

Mercury retrograde conjunct Venus in Aquarius 11:48 pm

With our Moon in Pisces, and Mercury making a conjunction with Venus, we could feel overly sentimental about our relationships with others as well as ourselves. This is a positive energy for connecting with friends and making time to have some virtual dates with anyone we miss. There is a lot of energy this week that holds a humanitarian and empathetic frequency. It is time for us to all come together during challenging times and find ways we can support each other in our communities. This is a really positive energy for writers and creative types. We may feel our creative juices flowing in the days ahead.

Saturday 2/13

Moon in Pisces

Moon sextile Mars in Taurus 11:55 am

Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces 12:11 pm

Moon void of course 11:29 pm

With our Moon in Pisces and making harmonious aspects to both Neptune and Mars, we may feel motivated or inspired to work on an artistic or creative project. This is a great energy for artists, musicians, poets, etc…

It is also a great energy for spiritual work such as meditation, tarot, ritual baths, and self care routines.

Sunday 2/14

Moon enters Aries 7:54 am

Mercury retrograde conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius 1:40 pm

Moon sextile Saturn in Aquarius 9:23 pm

Happy Valentine's Day!

With our Moon in Aries today, we benefit from staying busy and doing things that are active. We may enjoy an intense workout, or anything that gets heat moving through the body.

Mercury and Jupiter also meet up today which is typically a good transit for travel. Due to Mercury being retrograde, there may be minor complications when it comes to travel plans or any communication regarding foreign affairs.

Love & Peace,

Analisa Six

Analisa Six is a Tarot Reader, Astrologer and co-founder of The Mystic Parlor. She lives in Yucca Valley, CAwith her two dogs Bam Bam and Bruce Wayne, and her husband Terry Six. In her off time she loves hiking, hanging out with dogs, yoga, being vegan, studying the occult, and talking about conspiracy theories with Evelyn Zuel. You can book a reading with her here.

Photo by Kristen Cofer

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