Happy Monday everyone!
I can’t believe this is our last week of Aries season! Despite quarantine dragging on and feeling like it is lasting forever, some of these astrological transits feel like they are going by faster than usual. Time has been a really weird thing these days, as I am sure a lot of you can relate. Some days go by really fast while others seem to feel like they're never ending. Since every day for the most part has been spent at home, I am not sure what makes one day feel longer than another. All I know is that time is not as linear as we perceive it to be, and I wish we, as a society were more fluid with our understanding of it in relation to the cosmic shifts we experience in relation to the stars.
This week we have some transits that challenge who we think we are. Our ideas and perceptions of self are not always in alignment with who we actually are when it comes to the choices we make, and the daily routine we are living. I know I can be guilty of this, as we all are. I know that I benefit from having a strict routine with my physical body and my meditation practice. But I tend to be less rigid, and while I have somewhat of a routine, I do not do my yoga or meditation as strictly as I should, which is not in alignment with my own beliefs of what my “best” self is. In fact, I have drifted away from my “best” version of myself quite a bit through this process. Not because I wanted to, but because I have had so much change in such a short period of time, I am having a hard time getting my head on straight again. I also have been experiencing more challenges with my pain management and I can feel a big shift taking place within myself with how I relate to my physical body, and my identity around my physical body.
This is just an example of how this energy is manifesting for me, for you, or us as a collective, it could be that we are experiencing a fear so strong that we are holding onto any sense of self that gives us more confidence to proceed forward as usual.
The hard truth is that we are entering a new normal. If you have been following any of the podcast discussions I was a part of over the last year, there was a particular episode I did with Melissa Lafara from Energetic Principals, where we discussed the Uranus in Taurus transit being a “new normal.” Our affirmation was “ Get comfortable getting uncomfortable.” Something that I believe is ringing quite true for us now, an entire year later.
By Tuesday this week we will feel some of that uncomfortable energy beginning to surface. Who are we? Do we need to let go of our perceptions of who we think we are? Is who we are working for us?
By the weekend we may begin to feel more momentum towards the new self that is ready to emerge in this next cycle.
In astrology, and tarot, we talk a lot about renewal of the self. It is important to remember that there is nothing wrong with who you are! On the spiritual path we are learning to live more in alignment with the higher self, the self that resides within our hearts, the self that operates from a place of love, not fear. It is hard to discover that self, as many of us are currently operating from a place of fear. When we operate from a fear based place, it is hard to know who we are, or what it is we should do.
It is also even harder to operate from a heart centered space when we have a government and media that is driven by fear culture. It is imperative for us all to find a way to validate our fears, while also finding strength and courage to have faith in our ability to overcome. This strength and courage is needed in the collective more than ever. Who you are matters, you are here living this moment in history for a reason.
Use this week as a time to be open minded to releasing fear and allowing opportunity for new growth to enter your heart space. We have to create the world we wish to live in actively, and we have to believe in our power to change things as a collective.
Also this week! My dear friend Laura, had the idea for The Mystic Parlor to host a tarot challenge called Quarantarot Challenge, so we made it happen! We decided to invite Kathleen from daughterofwands.com to help us with the prompts as her and I have done a couple tarot challenges before together, and my amazing business partner Evelyn made our awesome graphics. Excited to start this tarot challenge with you all and I hope it gives everyone something to look forward to in the days ahead.
Tarot Cards of the Week:
The Emperor, Death, The World, Ace of Pentacles, 2 of Pentacles, 3 of Pentacles, King of Pentacles, Ace of Wands, 2 of Wands, 3 of Wands, King of Wands, 7 of Cups. 8 of Cups, 9 of Cups, 4 of Swords, 5 of Swords, 6 of Swords, 7 of Swords, Page of Swords, 10 of Swords.
(All times are Pacific)
Monday 4/13
Moon in Capricorn
Moon trine Uranus in Taurus 3:36 am
Moon square Chiron in Aries 4:42 am
Moon inconjunct Venus in Gemini 8:10 am
With the Moon in Capricorn today, we benefit from taking a practical approach to our tasks at hand and getting grounded in the mundane world. We may feel anxious in the morning hours. If this is the case, we benefit from moving our bodies, going for a walk, or doing any grounding exercises. Meditate on your connection to the earth and take some deep breaths as you get your day started.
Tuesday 4/14
Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn
Sun in Aries Square Pluto in Capricorn 4:07 am
Moon sextile Neptune in Pisces 5:10 am
Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn 3:02 pm
Moon square Sun in Aries 3:56 pm
Moon V/C conjunct Jupiter in Capricorn 4:47 pm
Mercury in Aries conjunct Chiron in Aries 10:02 pm
The last quarter phase of the Moon shares an echo of our full Moon in Libra. Set an intention towards letting go or releasing energy that is not working for you within physical reality. Releasing a need for control, allowing for things to unfold naturally while still staying productive is advised. Capricorn energy strives for success and achievement towards its mission, and while this is a great energy for achievement, it sometimes is not what is always needed for the time being. We are asked to reflect on what our relationship to success is in the mundane world. What habits help or hurt us? For myself on a personal level, I have not been harnessing my own Capricorn energy in a positive way. I have let myself feel weighed down by it and almost resentful of the mundane tasks I have to do right now. This mentality is not benefiting me, so an intention I will set is to work on having a more positive relationship to my mundane world, because in the end, routine, structure, and order helps me to accomplish the bigger dreams I have in life. For us it has been hard to know what to focus on. Are we working too little? Too much? These themes may also come up for us with our Sun in Aries making a hard aspect to Pluto Capricorn today. The Sun representing the self-image, and Pluto the planet of power, transformation, and death, help us to usher in new awareness of an identity within ourselves that is emerging.
Mercury, our planet of communication, makes a conjunction with Chiron, the planetoid representing wounds that need healing, in Aries, the sign of identity. This transit asks us to heal any issues we are having with how we relate or view ourselves. For some of us we may feel like the things that gave us a sense of accomplishment or pride, are no longer doing that for us, as we question whether or not we are “essential” when it comes to our skill sets. It's ok to change and grow with the times right now. We may find after this, that we are different people, than who we were before. What we value is changing. This is a good thing.
Today we may experience those changes beginning to take shape within the core of who we are. Self awareness of what we are going through is beneficial, and finding ways to process what is happening in a way that empowers you to move forward is key.
Wednesday 4/15
Moon enters Aquarius 12:37 am
Moon conjunct Saturn in Aquarius 3:21 am
Sun in Aries square Jupiter in Capricorn 3:59 am
Moon square Uranus in Taurus 12:09 pm
Moon sextile Chiron in Aries 1:19 pm
Moon sextile Mercury in Aries 3:41 pm
Moon trine Venus in Gemini 8:29 pm
Moon conjunct Mars in Aquarius 10:42 pm
Delusions of grandeur are prominent today with our Sun in Aries making a hard aspect to Jupiter in Capricorn. Jupiter rules expansion and growth, it wants to consume more of everything. It knows no limits or boundaries. We may feel frustrated by anything that blocks our desire for more at this time. A lot of limits and restrictions are being put on us right now, and it is frustrating to see so much of our world is changing before our eyes while feeling powerless in the process. We may begin to feel that frustration on a deeper level. More is not always better. This challenging time is an opportunity for us to see where we can simplify.
Thursday 4/16
Moon in Aquarius
Detachment and perspective is key today. It would be likely for us to get caught up in social media or news holes that suck all of our energy out from us during the day. But this may not be a productive use of our time. Getting educated in some way that you can make a difference right now is beneficial, working on a home project, or reading a book that expands your understanding. Today is a good day to take a time out and reflect so that you can put some separation between yourself and your emotional process.
Friday 4/17
Moon V/C sextile Sun in Aries 7:34 am
Moon enters Pisces 11:29 pm
Mercury in Aries sextile Venus in Gemini 10:36 pm
Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus 11:47 pm
With the Moon void of course for most of the day, it is typically advised that we do not make any important or serious decisions, however, our planet of communication, Mercury, is making a harmonious sextile to Venus in Gemini in the evening hours. This energy is positive for communication in relationships of all kinds as well as conversations or negotiations around business and finances.
Saturday 4/18
Moon in Pisces
Moon square Venus in Gemini 11:57 am
Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius 8:55 pm
Harmonious energy between Mercury and Mars makes this a great day for taking action and speaking our truth. We may feel incredibly driven towards our goals right now. I foresee some of us deciding that we can’t wait any longer to make certain decisions that need to be made right now. While there is still so much unknown happening in the world, that could be said any day at any time. We may realize that we need a plan B, or even a plan C, on how we are going to progress forward in life, and we may finally have the willpower to move forward towards making it happen.
Sunday 4/19
Moon in Pisces
Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces 3:32 am
Sun enters Taurus 7:45 am
Moon sextile Pluto in Capricorn 1:51 pm
Moon V/C sextile Jupiter in Capricorn 4:31 pm
It’s officially Taurus season!!! Happy birthday to all of the Taurus people out there! Taurus is fixed earth in the zodiac and rules the 2nd house in our charts. Taurus is considered to be one of the most dependable archetypes with an ability to commit to a job, person, place or thing. Taurus people in general are typically very artistic and have an eye for beauty. With Venus as Taurus’s ruler, Taurus people also enjoy the finer things in life, but they can become a bit possessive over the people they love, their belongings, and it can sometimes reach hoarder status if they are not careful.
Uranus is in Taurus, and for those born within the first 5 days of Taurus, this will be a potent time of change for you.
If you have a Taurus in your life, gifting food, flowers, antiques, or gold is your best bet at winning their undying love and affection.