This week we have a New Moon in Aries on Tuesday the 24th.
Every day right now feels long, slow and like things are progressively getting worse in the US. It is hard to see the future clearly, and we may have some doubts or anxieties as we see our governments overriding the law to make decisions quickly about this pandemic.
For all of us watching at home, we struggle with how to be good and compassionate neighbors, friends, and family members, during a time where we are being asked to stay home and away from each other. I have had many difficult conversations with many different people about where we all stand. This is incredibly hard on many people's relationships, mental health, physical health, and finances. What I have found is that gratitude continues to be extremely beneficial to my own psyche and I urge anyone out there who might be reading this, no matter who you are or what you are facing, to find it in the smallest places.
I thought today how the reality of potentially losing my car, my home, and everything I have worked so hard for, could come true if my husband and I are unable to get work during all of this. I have been trying really hard to stay optimistic about online sales, online readings, but people are not really booking with me right now, and I totally get it, we are all financially under strain. My husband is unable to work currently due to the service industry being put on hold right now, and we are just hoping we can get on the other side of this without losing the house we just bought.
When I was thinking about all of this today, I realized that for most of my life I have had nothing to my name. I spent most of my life not owning a car or a house, and that I was fine. I didn't have the internet until about 6 years ago, I had an old phone up until 4 years ago, and I was fine. I realized that I was worried more about my own ego being bruised and what it would be like having to lose everything in front of friends, family, colleagues and clients. And I realized that it had to do with my own ego, more than whether or not I could get through it. This is a great example of what we will be working through with Chiron in Aries, and with the Moon in Aries making aspects to both our Sun and Chiron. We are having to face the ego we want to hold onto, that we have built, that may not be something we can hold onto any longer. Even if I lost all of these things I worked for, that it would be ok. I would find a way to get through it. And I would start over and build again in whatever way I could, and that even if I only had this life for a small amount of time, it was great while it lasted. And knowing that I could have that outlook, and that perspective, without feeling victimized about my circumstances, alone was empowering.
I am hopeful and optimistic that it won't come to that, but I also am trying to prepare myself for the fact that it could be a reality I have to face.It is important right now that we face what really matters in life, and let go of what the ego of the self wants to hold onto out of fear. Fear can induce panic, poor decision making, and break friendships and relationships with loved ones. Let us not base our decisions out of fear, but out of love that we can get through this isolation period getting to know ourselves in deeper ways.
Let us not project our fear and insecurities onto everyone or everything else to justify feelings of victimization.
It is time to step into a more empowering role and find our own leadership, our own authority, our own guiding light within the self.
Tarot Cards for the week:
The Fool, The Magician, The Empress, The Emperor, Justice, The Tower Ace of Wands, 2 of Wands, 3 of Wands, 10 of Wands,Page, Knight, Queen, and King of Wands, 2 of Pentacles, 8 of Swords, 9 of Swords, 10 of Swords, 7 of Cups, 8 of Cups.
(All times are Pacific)
Monday 3/23
Moon in Pisces
Moon sextile Jupiter in Capricorn 4:20 am
Moon sextile Pluto in Capricorn 7:18 am
Moon void of course sextile Mars in Capricorn 7:51
Moon enters Aries 5:58 pm
Moon sextile Saturn in Aquarius 6:15 pm
Starting the week out with our morning with the Moon in Pisces, we may feel extremely sensitive to the energies around us. We have a lot of creative energy in the early morning hours with the Moon making sextiles to our heavy hitters in Capricorn. We also are susceptible to illusions and fantasies about what is really real. We could be blowing things out of proportion, or not able to see things clearly for what they are.
With our Moon entering Aries in the evening, we could feel a lot of tension beginning to boil under the surface. We may have a lot of frustration over things not going the way we want them to right now. As we prepare for our New Moon in Aries, trying to see ourselves, and who we are in the world could be hard. We may be ready to define a new chapter in our lives, but it could be through facing parts of ourselves that we are uncomfortable with that we find that self.
Tuesday 3/24
New Moon in Aries 4 degrees 12 minutes 2:28 am
Moon conjunct Chiron in Aries 4:41 am
Our New Moon in Aries at 4 degrees defines a new chapter of the self. Aries rules the first house of identity, and it is here that we begin to discover who we are on a personal level.
The New Moon itself represents a time of rebirth and renewal, in Aries, that rebirth takes place with the way we relate to our identity. We may be finding parts of ourselves that we didn't know were present, there may be new aspects to who we are that are beginning to come out. Who are we in a time of crisis? Who are we to our friends, our family, our neighbors?
In a time where we are being told to isolate and remove ourselves from others, it can be hard to navigate our values.
I know for me, I am extremely hospitable and want everyone to be in my life, I want to give of myself to everyone, but I equally am trying to isolate and keep myself quarantined and follow the guidelines our government is putting out. It is an extremely hard thing to navigate right now, how do we be compassionate, giving, neighborly, while also not spreading the virus and endangering each other and ourselves?
A lot of us are also out of work, and trying to find ways to make money. I know for my household, we are extremely concerned and worried about being able to afford our bills. My husband and I are both out of regular consistent work, which I basically can do readings from home, but not a lot of people are booking readings. Trying to figure out how to make money and survive is something we are all facing together. My self worth has been on the chopping block. I have guilt for not going to school to be a nurse, or a scientist, or someone who can really do something that “matters” during a global crisis. I have been reflecting on my identity, sense of worth, and how I relate to myself during this. I bring up my concerns as an example of some of the thoughts or feelings many of us may be facing. Who are we? Who will we be after this? Who do we want to be now? This is the type of question to ask yourself, and it is time to set an intention to this New Moon in Aries, that we are willing to be whoever we need to be to get through this as a collective, as a world, to better support and sustain the planet in the most effective way that brings us together for the betterment of all beings here.
There is no right or wrong way to feel right now. With a world changing rapidly, we are going to have a lot of feelings. It is important we do what we can to protect each other. Whether that is self isolating, or connecting through the internet, writing, painting, laughing, crying. Doing what you can to get through this for your own mental health and the well being of others is OK.
Wednesday 3/25
Moon in Aries
Sun conjunct Chiron in Aries 6:27 am
Moon square Jupiter in Capricorn 5:43 pm
Moon square Pluto in Capricorn 8:03 pm
The Sun represents identity, vitality, and expression of energy. With the Sun in Aries making a conjunction to Chiron, the wounded healer, we may have wounded feelings around the self. In my previous days post, I expressed some of my own personal insecurities and feelings of self worth that this time is bringing up for me. With the Sun conjunct Chiron in Aries, we as a collective may be feeling bruises to our ego. The house where you have Aries in your chart is usually what the wound will be around. For example, I have Aries in the 4th house, which is the house of home and family, this may be a time where I am feeling insecure about my worth or self in my house and my family.
If you have Aries in the 10th house, the opposite house from the 4th, the house of work and career, you may be feeling insecure or a lack of self worth when it comes to your job.
With the Moon making square aspects to both Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn in the evening hours, we may be feeling a lot of frustration with our ability to gain control over our physical world. This is not a good day for trying to make things happen. Let go of any need to control your environment and just know, we all don't really have any way to plan for the future effectively right now, as so much is still unknown.
This is a positive time for working heat through the body, we need to be careful with how we do that as there is room for us to hurt ourselves unintentionally right now. We need to get a sweat going, but also be mindful and slow with our bodies.
Thursday 3/26
Moon in Aries
Moon void of course square Mars in Capricorn 12:16 am
Moon enters Taurus 6:37 am
Moon square Saturn in Aquarius 7:15 am
Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus 4:29 pm
The Moon is exalted in Taurus and allows for us to feel more grounded in our feelings and our bodies. This is a good time for connecting to nature. One of the things I felt the most excited for during this isolation period was having plenty of time to go to the parks in my area, but with all of the parks being shut down due to over tourism, and lack of resources, I have found myself feeling bummed out that I am not even able to enjoy the area that I moved to, to the extent that I wanted to. Luckily it is still very scenic and beautiful in my neighborhood, but obviously it makes things much harder when everyone is stuck at home and trying to find things to do outside. Ways my husband and I have been staying busy is by working in our own yard pulling weeds.
Taurus is also a very artistic sign, and it is a good idea to work on art projects, even if you are not artistically inclined.
With the Moon making a square to Saturn in Aquarius, and later meeting up with Uranus in Taurus, we could feel emotionally unstable and frustrated. Working on grounding meditations during this chaotic time is helpful for our minds.
Friday 3/27
Moon in Taurus
Moon sextile Mercury in Pisces 2:03 am
Moon sextile Neptune in Pisces 9:02 pm
Venus in Taurus trine Jupiter in Capricorn 9:24 pm
Friday is ruled by Venus and today our planet of beauty and relationship makes a powerful trine to Jupiter in Capricorn. Trines are typically associated with good fortune, but they do not always result in that. They are “easy” or “fast” moving energy, and tend to make things happen faster than usual. Venus trine Jupiter is a positive energy for artists, musicians, and any educational pursuits. With so much time on our hands at home, this is a beneficial period to learn something new, create art for or with loved ones, and enjoy things that feed our hearts that are also rooted in tangible, and real mediumsOn a global level, this transit could influence foreign trade and decisions our leaders are making with other countries, hopefully for the betterment of society. Because of the fast nature of trine energy, we may see decisions being made swiftly when it comes to trade, business, and finances. On a personal level we need to be mindful with how we are spending resources right now.
Saturday 3/2
Moon in Taurus
Moon trine Jupiter in Capricorn 6:39 am
Moon conjunct Venus in Taurus 7:20 am
Moon trine Pluto in Capricorn 8:20 am
Moon void of course trine Mars in Capricorn 4:05 pm
Moon enters Gemini 6:38 pm
Moon trine Saturn in Aquarius 7:36 pm
Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn 7:57 pm
This is an enhanced day of earth and air energy. We may have a large emphasis in our bodies and minds. Venus in Taurus making a trine to Pluto in Capricorn today emphasizes our focus on financial matters as well as artistic and creative pursuits. This is a good time to engage in activities with loved ones ( as long as you are social distancing and being safe obviously) and also a good time to do any financial planning.Pluto can bring big shifts and transformations to our relationships at this time.
Sunday 3/29
Moon in Gemini
Moon sextile Chiron in Aries 5:40 am
Moon sextile Sun in Aries 1:32 pm
Moon square Mercury in Pisces 7:58 pm
The Moon in Gemini can enhance our mental energy and cause us to worry or overthink things. We may enjoy communicating to others about how we are feeling during this time. With the Moon making a sextile to our Sun and Chiron in Aries, some of the insecurities we may have been feeling at the beginning of the week begin to subside. We could begin to feel as if we are moving towards some healing in regard to how we feel about ourselves.
Moon in Gemini squaring Mercury in Pisces in the evening could ramp up some anxiety and nostalgia about the future and current news in the media. We benefit from unplugging and giving our minds a break as we are unable to see things realistically at this time.