It’s officially Taurus season!!! Happy Birthday to all of the wonderful Taurus people out there. Your ability to create beauty in the world on the material plane is unsurmountable. I have had so many amazing Taurus dominant people enter my life in the last decade that have brought so much into my life. My tattoo artist Jason Phillips is a Taurus Sun and has adorned my body with his amazing art, my husband's former boss is also a Taurus Sun, and has the most beautiful and amazing tiki bar in one of the oldest Art Deco buildings in downtown Oakland with wonderfully crafted drinks and some of the best bar food you could get in town! My business partner Evelyn’s Taurus Moon has brought so much artistic and creative beauty to our shared vision of our shop, and our brand. I am constantly learning from this archetype the benefits of working hard and putting your nose to the grindstone to get your dream to come to life.
On Wednesday we have a New Moon at 3 degrees of Taurus. This is a powerful and potent time to set intentions around our health and finances. We benefit from writing our intentions, or creating a vision board for what we hope to manifest into the material plane in the months to come. When I was working on this blog I took a break to go for my morning walk after breakfast with my husband, and when we got back I began prepping some oranges for our juice that I was planning on making later in the day. As I began peeling the oranges, the aroma and feel of their texture, and color began to lift my mood into this realm that felt spiritual and other worldly. The frequency of the orange felt like it was cleansing some sort of dark matter or negativity out of my energy field and I immediately began to feel happier. I decided to take a bite out of one of the orange slices and I felt an immense amount of love and gratitude for life. This ability we have to connect with food in a divine way is characterized through the archetype of Taurus and Venus. Oranges are often used in ritual as an offering and vibratory cleansing agent. Citrus is known as itself to be a powerful cleaning agent and detoxifier in the body. Oranges have also often been used in prosperity and love rituals, which is another perfect for the energy of both Venus and Taurus. Oranges are a powerful energy to have on your altar this season, and using them in ritual on this week's full moon is highly recommended.
The color orange is also related to the Sacral Chakra, which is located in our diaphragm where the womb is. This is where we hold our emotional responses as well as childhood experiences and trauma. It is positive to work on cleansing negative energy out of the Sacral Chakra when we are feeling like we are being triggered when traumatic experiences are happening around us. This is a good time to meditate on healing energy within your Sacral Chakra.
This week will be heavy with deliberation for our world leaders, as the transits of the week embody that of authority meeting reality, and the urge for control vs. what is possible will clash. On a smaller scale, as individuals we will be in our own version of that, having to troubleshoot and strategize our plan for the future.
I can’t help but wonder what some of the deliberations have been in those meeting rooms between governors, congress, government officials, etc…..
I have to say I do not envy any of their jobs right now. I imagine there will be a lot of arguing, fighting, frustration between our world leaders this week, and us as a people are getting restless watching the circus. We want solutions, reform, answers, change. We are beginning to see more social unrest as the shelter in place continues to be extended, despite some of the rumors that some businesses will begin to be able to open up, the restrictions that are still being enforced will no doubt have a huge impact on our economy.
Years ago I had a boss who told me that the future of retail was ecommerce and warehouses. He said that everyone will order something online, and a warehouse will deliver it to your door that same day. He said no one will go shopping anymore because the convenience of not having to leave your house will be too nice. I knew he was right, because the business I was running for him was going under rapidly. We couldn’t compete with the prices being offered online. And within months I was shutting down 5 retail stores and out of a job.
I’ve watched many stores I love close their doors after a short run. It seems if you are located in a heavy tourist area, you can be successful, but now that tourism is on hold, what does that mean for us who depend on tourism for the health of our local economy?
When I began working from home and doing readings online a few years ago, I felt my income potential was greater, because the internet is the world wide web! You can be accessible to everyone anywhere! But I often found sitting in front of the computer for days and not leaving the house was really hard on my brain and my physical body. They say having an office or a job that you go to is better for the brain. The separation of work and home is beneficial for creating a sacred space for yourself that keeps you in a healthy routine. I hope we are all able to return to jobs after this, jobs that help us to appreciate the little things.
This week is hard, we may not get along with everyone at this time. Just remember to stop, take a deep breath, and have gratitude for what you can.
Tarot Cards of the Week:
The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Tower, The Devil, Knight of Wands, King of Wands, 2 of Wands, 4 of Wands, 2 of pentacles, 3 of pentacles 4 of Pentacles, 5 of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles, 4 of Swords, 5 of Swords, 6 of Swords, 7 of Swords, 8 of Swords, 9 of Swords,Page of Swords, Knight of Swords.
(All times are Pacific)
Monday 4/20
Moon enters Aries 12 am
Moon sextile Saturn in Aquarius 3:16 am
Moon conjunct Chiron in Aries 1:55 pm
We may feel like issues around confidence and self worth are prominent as we start the week out. The Moon in Aries can give a tone that is often quick to react, as in the Knight of Wands card. We may feel irritable, frustrated, and our inability to control things in our world could be getting to us quite a bit today.
Positive ways to work with this Aries energy is to stay active. Keep busy. Move your body physically, go for a walk, if you can’t do that, try exercising at home. For me I have found that kundalini yoga is quite an amazing tool when I am feeling this way. I have often started out a kundalini yoga session feeling angry, irritable, and frustrated, and within the hour of my session, my energy has completely transmuted and I find all of the energy I was holding onto has been released. There are some great intro kundalini classes on gaia.com that I enjoy, but I am sure you can find some free on Youtube as well. If you need to scream into a pillow today, do it!
Tuesday 4/21
Moon in Aries
Sun in Taurus Square Saturn in Aquarius 12 am
Moon sextile Mars in Aquarius 6:35 am
Moon conjunct Mercury in Aries 1:06 pm
This is a difficult time for us in regard to self expression. We may need to reflect on how we project ourselves in the world around us. We may have issues with authority figures, and we may also hold rigidly onto our own sense of authority. We are likely to butt heads with others if we are operating too much from an egoic place. When the ego feels threatened, it often has very impulsive and reactive behavior, as a mode of self preservation. When we feel self righteous, or indignant on our belief systems and point of view, we can miss big chunks of what is happening around us. If you are feeling this way today or in the days following, remember to take a step back, breathe, and ask yourself what the root is of the trigger you are experiencing. We may feel ungrounded during this time, and our efforts to create structure and stability in daily life may feel futile. Try to let go while still pushing forward. It is a hard dance we are all doing right now, but with so much out of our control, the best we can do is to keep moving forward while trying to have compassion and empathy that we are all just showing up and doing our best where we can.
Wednesday 4/22
Earth Day
Moon square Pluto in Capricorn 2:31 am
Moon void of course square Jupiter in Capricorn 5:32 am
Moon enters Taurus 12:36 pm
Moon square Saturn in Aquarius 3:59 pm
New Moon 3 degrees of Taurus 7:26 pm
Our new Moon in Taurus happening today on Earth day is such a magical energy. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, giving it a harmonious vibration of energy for all of us and our planet. We may feel new life springing up around us despite the hardships of the world. We all need to set intentions around global healing. We can think of The Empress card in the tarot carrying the frequency we should be meditating on during this time. This is a great day to ritual around manifesting abundance, material security, and good health into your life and the lives of others.
My favorite new Moon in Taurus ritual to do involves writing intentions on a flower pot with paint, and planting an herb of your choice and thinking about the intentions being planted into the soil with the plant. Once your plant has been potted, in the days and weeks to come, every time you are watering your plant, you are watering those intentions and promoting them to grow.
As in all rituals, make sure that whatever blessings you wish to bestow upon yourself, you also send out to the collective. We are only as strong as our team, and we should be looking at all life on Earth as a collective force that needs to unify and come together more than ever.
Thursday 4/23
Moon in Taurus
Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus 1:29 am
Moon square Mars in Aquarius 10:30 pm
We may continue to feel some tension internally around what we wish to control, vs. outside factors that prevent us from getting to have things exactly the way we want them. When fixed signs are squaring each other, it feels like there is a lot of pressure to create or do something. We benefit from channeling this energy into creative projects, while knowing that even with that, we may not get the results we were hoping for. Try to move slowly and don’t be super invested in immediate outcomes. Chip away at what you can, rest, drink water, take deep breaths, and try to detach. Every little amount of energy you put towards something positive will build over time. We have to think of our long game, and see our energy expenditure as mini investments towards the future, even if that future seems bleak or uncertain.
Friday 4/24
Moon in Taurus
Moon sextile Neptune in Pisces 4:38 pm
Moon trine Pluto in Capricorn 2:27 pm
Moon void of course trine Jupiter in Capricorn 5:43 pm
Today we may feel more optimism towards our ability to execute ideas we have been troubleshooting in previous days. While some of our optimism may not be totally realistic, this energy is helpful for us to begin working towards a more positive direction in our lives. We need to let go of what normal “used” to feel like, and be open to self exploration and creating a new vision of the future. The future is coming no matter how hard we try to hold onto the past. We will either be in resistance to it, or agents of it. Choose who you are wisely, as your choices will dictate much of who you are in this next chapter of humanity.
Saturday 4/25
Moon enters Gemini 12:20 am
Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn 12:36 am
Moon trine Saturn in Aquarius 3:47 am
Pluto stations retrograde 11:54 am
Moon sextile Chiron in Aries 2:21 pm
Mercury in Aries square Jupiter in Capricorn 9:31 pm
If I could get away with just posting the crying emoji for today’s forecast, I would.
Mercury in Aries making a hard aspect to both Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn today makes communication dynamics incredibly difficult. Pluto, our planet of death, transformation, finances, and rebirth, also stations retrograde in Capricorn, which is not an energy that is easy to be under the influence of. Pluto will be retrograde until October 4th. We will see complete financial reform during this time within our economy. Things may get harder before they get better, as entire structures we have had in place begin to crumble under the pressure of present times. Unfortunately we may see many businesses close, but we also will see new businesses, new structures, and new solutions to how we proceed financially in the years to come. Just remember, as things get harder, in death, rebirth comes. It is the continuous cycle we are all a part of. Nothing lasts forever, and everything in life, whether we own it or not, including our bodies, is “on loan.” The sooner we begin to accept these truths and find ways to evolve with change, the sooner we can begin to see opportunity in the ashes of the past.
Sunday 4/26
Moon in Gemini
Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus 2:01 am
Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini 9:39 am
Moon trine Mars in Aquarius 12:55 pm
Moon square Neptune in Pisces 3:31 pm
With the Moon in Gemini today, our minds and feelings could feel hard to manage. We may feel like we want to socialize and desire connection with those we love and care about. This would be a good day to play games with family members or have virtual group hangs with friends. If you find yourself feeling anxious, take a break from scrolling and do something in the physical to help ground you. Our Sun making a conjunction to Uranus in Taurus could have us experiencing a lot of changes with how we are relating to our identity and sense of self at this time. We are ready for something new.
Analisa, your writing is like the orange - vibrant, layered, sweet, fragrant with clarity. Your old boss was intuitive of futures, I believe, for better and for not. We loved in-person shopping at the antique store, maybe some version of this will remain, such as outdoor venues. Strife among leaders will leave out their constituents: "Do not look outside yourselves for leadership." (Hopi) Thanks for this offering; you and Evelyn have created a fantastic web site, so glad it's going well!